The Nippon Kempo is a discipline of modern fighting and total of absolute effectiveness, founded on the use more
scientific than all the parts of the body.
It says the name : it is rising of Japanese boxing, a method that integral Judo or Ju jitsu and Karate or Kick-boxing,
praticed with the protection of masks, armors ( similar to those of the Kendo ) and gloves ( lighter than those for
the Boxing or Full-contact ) and also with special shoes, that the techniques allow to face all, verifying as speeds,
precision and power.
In the Nippon kempo they are contemplated technical of percussion, of projection, of immobilization and the reverse
techniques, which extremely dangerous, must be controlled.
Is a modern Japanese martial art whose aim last is that one of the improvement of the individual that beyound to a
high ethical value, often absent is in the western sports that in those orientals are also an optimal technique of
personal defense.
The absolute psychical demanded in order to reach to the perfection of the movements of the body and the self-discipline
set up in order to catch up one technical optimal, involve the acquisition of one not point out good social conscience,
as well as an improvement of the character, very many training is moreover necessary, beyond to courage and spirit
of sacrifice.
The Nippon kempo can come absolutely studied like philosophy, sport, shape of physical education and Self defense.
Also for all womens and childrens can practice with succeeding the Nippon kempo and to be started on the acquaintance
of this discipline, whose physical preparation is not dissimilar from that one of other martial arts; with the single and
only limitation consisting in the competitive, praticable activity to leave since 16 old years in the really total fighting,
but also of fighting "no full contact" exist also, practicable also from children and women.
Currently under the guide of supreme master Ryonosuke Mori, the Nippon kempo is finding in Japan an optimal
development, above all in the Police and Public schools, University and Clubs etc..