It is constituted from
HOKO "Halberd",
TATE "Shield" e
EN / MARU "Cerle" ( Unity, Harmony, Japan ) .
HOKO indicates the attack, TATE defens and MARU the thoroughness, the perfection, the spirit who does not know
When the outer aspect is churned that inner one is calm.
It is worth to say that if is an attack to the external part, that inner one is in defense attitude; if there is an attack to
the inner part it is that external that is in defense.
In base to the mutual completion of these two elements the union of the attack and the defense is had and vanished
the contradiction.
The contradiction is present in all the levels of progress of the things and it can also seen in some stages of the
development of a great tree.
It does not have to think endured next to the conclusion, but it is necessary to reflect on that what at the moment can
be the more important thing and which it is the better way for carry out.
Is essential to posses such ability to judgment.
They use expressions like
" the pride of the young people "
or as " It privileges of the young people "
; perhaps it is not mistaken to mean like follows : the contradictions and the difficulties can be exceeded
with the typical life of the young people and preserved in the effort .
The symbol of our association tries to represent just this spirit and this will.