Generally are believed that today we are living in one of the more violent or disordinati periods evoluti of the history
of the humanity in the modern world for the sports from combat.
In the daily language is entered the term " Free-Fight " or " real Combat ",
the combat without rules is clearly difficult to justify from people " tests " and the processed statistical data confirm
that it is the cause of died more frequent after the numerous encounter of every combat of various western or orientals
martial arts & sports of modern combat with or without use of little effective protecting equipments involves violence
and free suffering.
Also we wishes ourselves that these information serve " to cut the head to the Taurus " and to mitigate the
disappointment in the traditional or modern athletes who, sure to have totaled a good score, come instead penalized.
That to make? To abolish sports of combat " dangerous " and the other western and oriental martial arts ?
He would be counter-productive; a provision of the sort indurebbe nearly of the sure one to pratice clandestinely and
the risks would increase.
Then being us the existing things, no wonder if the Nippon Kempo, the Japanese total
combat since 1932 until today, meets much favor for the emergency to use of only
special " Bogu " that protect the vital zones of the person: inguine, thorax and head
and can help anyone to improve the own personality, independently from the result sportswomen who desire
themselves to obtain.
The emergency in itself, comes strengthened thanks to the possibility to put in practical really the taught techniques,
without fear of farces badly or to make badly, thanks to uses special " Armours ".
The high degree of protection is concurred also with the beginners that regularly attend a course from little months to
participate to contests.
The agonistic side of the Nippon Kempo beyond to being particularly spectacular for who assists, turns out to be a
good test bench for the athlete: technique, physical preparation and a little determinator are enough
in order to begin, the possibility to sink the blows, it increases it loads agonistic and it allows the athlete to understand
the own limits and the own points of force.
The Nippon Kempo, in Japan, comes taught in the schools of the Army, the Aeronautics, the Police and the University,
and considering the vastness of the dislocation techniques, strangling and body to body, can to define the Martial Art
for excellence in the within of the combat and the complete self-defense.
Studies in merit have confirmed that it reduces the number of the lesions completely also the protecting armors " Bogu "
that must be of the type recognized from company " WATARU " under
with the convention from " NIHON KENPO KYOKAI ", sections:
Mask " MEN "
Armored body " DO "
To special Shell " MATA ATE "
Gloves of boxe (oz. 6) " KUROBU "
Shoes from the sole in smooth rubber " SHIYOZU "
The use of bandage to hands " HONTAI "
A small rectangle towel to head " TENUGUI " .
