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The pratical one of the Nippon kempo is developed on eight fundamental plans
than enclose all the essence of man and that they are :
1) CHIKARA = Force
2) DO = Way ( in spiritual sense )
3) JI = Art
4) JITSU = Technical
5) KI = Energy
6) KOKORO = Spirit of fighting
7) SHIN = Mind
8) TAI = Body
The assiduous job on these eight directives door to the improvement of inner " Human I " who slowly set off on the perfection.
The scope of the Nippon kempo, therefore, is not only the defense and the personal offense but also the inner increase, that it consequently allows to arrive to theperfection of the body in its you leave.
Or not being easy to draw up an organic program for the gradual learning of the techniques of the Nippon kempo,
seen the breadth that such discipline dresses again have divided the method in 10 births :
- IKI : Take care of the breathing with applicable exercises, in way from strengthen the muscular system, the reflexes and the resistance;
- KANSETSU : Practice in the levers and luxuary is in feet that to earth;
- KATAME : Learn the techniques of immobility for palsy an adversary, that it is in feet that to earth, in way from reduce his ability of battle without but it will lose acquaintance;
- KUZUSHI : Practice to learn the normal or forced to throw off balance by means of impact on the sensitive points;
- NAGE : Learn to throw without effort and with the maximum possible pace;
- SABAKI : Learn to move in circular or right form and to stir with the elasticity and pace;
- SHIME : Praticare the techniques of choke, in feet and to earth, learning as countless ways of interrupt the influx of the blood to the brain or of the air to the lungs;
- UCHI : Learn the techniques of fitter percussion to the personal defense like kicks, duke, and other anatomical births that in any way could damage the viable centers of the body of the adversary;
- UKE : Practice in the techniques of pageant or an and two hands or arms or legs or foot to the goal of block, take an unbalance the adversary;
- UKEMI : Learn to fall from all the positions, with obstacles or without, in voluntary way or forced, attenuating the fall, revolving and then without beating for don't interrupt the wheel and for the laxness.
Before begin the study of the Nippon Kempo, we remember that like in any field one that desire insert presently that the fundamental exercises and precisely the technical bases, they must be study and it learn with care, because from them depends the good result of all the study.
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IT is also the union of a series of sagacities that allow to use all the psycho-physical faculties to the service of the
defense against one or more adversary armed or disarmed.
Is a continuous study of the defects of the human body.
For defects we mean the moments in which some zones of it entering in contact with an other having body also a
minimal surface they do not allow it to react and to oppose resistance; or those moments in which carrying the body
in unstable position the loss of balance is easy, leaving from these bases if it develops one accurate study.
It moreover sharpe the glares and gives to the body one symmetrical development.
Above all it is necessary to catch up a physical and mental condition that puts in a position to facing a context in
which the blows they come truly exchanged : to learn to hit with all the own power is not less binding that to get used
to dodge and bear the blows.
To learn from the small things in order to slowly arrive very slowly in progressive way to the techniques and
movements of the true personal defense, we think is the better thing in order to learn with a sure method.
Also greatest importance has moreover under the medical profile the method of prevention against the hypocinestich
diseases, the sedentarysm and typical pulmonary diseases of the society in which we live.
To the day today the styles of the sports of fighting existing are very many, and everyone is distinguished from the
other for the various techniques of training; some schools foretell the study of the respiration, others consider
essential thing, in order to become good fighter, the use of the legs while others prefer in 90% of the cases only the
fists as you arm really effective.

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It is also the union of a series of sagacities that allow to use all the psycho-physical faculties to the service of the
defense against one or more adversary armed or disarmed.
Is a continuous study of the defects of the human body.
For defects we mean the moments in which some zones of it entering in contact with an other having body also a
minimal surface they do not allow it to react and to oppose resistance; or those moments in which carrying the body
in unstable position the loss of balance is easy, leaving from these bases if it develops one accurate study.
It moreover sharpe the glares and gives to the body one symmetrical development.
Above all it is necessary to catch up a physical and mental condition that puts in a position to facing a context in which
the blows they come truly exchanged : to learn to hit with all the own power is not less binding that to get used to
dodge and bear the blows.
To learn from the small things in order to slowly arrive very slowly in progressive way to the techniques and movements
of the true personal defense, we think is the better thing in order to learn with a sure method.
Also greatest importance has moreover under the medical profile the method of prevention against the hypocinestich
diseases, the sedentarysm and typical pulmonary diseases of the society in which we live.
To the day today the styles of the sports of fighting existing are very many, and everyone is distinguished from
the other for the various techniques of training; some schools foretell the study of the respiration, others consider
essential thing, in order to become good fighter, the use of the legs while others prefer in 90% of the cases only the
fists as you arm really effective.
Is just from this last type of schools that the great master Ryonosuke Mori entered in the circle of the students of the
Japanese martial arts, becoming one of the students of Muneomi Sawayama, founder of the Nippon Kempo, make to
exercise hours and hours on the fist techniques from the short distance.
Ryonosuke Mori considered essential thing for the formation of an combatant the mental aspect, giving to much
importance to the factor concentration that an athlete must have in learning one whichever technique of fist and in
order to make this indicated two fundamental exercises :
- control and direction of the thought :
Isolate you in a room where there is little light, sit you in a comfortable position, you close the eyes imagining to watch
in an open space without stars or clouds.
From this position thoughts to relax all the your body completely, leaving from the fingers of the feet and going up until
arriving slowly to the head.
With going of the time, your more sensitive and perceptive mind will relax becoming.
- control and direction of the breath :
You must think that your body is equipped of a force explosiveelectrical worker and that this energy, flows quickly along
your muscles.
To this point concentrate you on the breath (after to have closed the eyes), imagining that the air that it slides in your
abdominal lungs and, is equipped of one large vital power; he is fundamental in this exercise, than the breathe in air
it is seen like a substance that it increases your force inner.
After the psychological exercises the parts of the body and the muscles interested in the debit are acquired knowledge
power to a fist : it is spoken therefore about the forearm, the wrist, the tricipite ones, muscles of the shoulder and those
of the back.
After to have completed the power exercises, master Ryonosuke Mori passes to the description of the true and own
techniques of fist.
For first thing advises to put of forehead to whichever type of bag with the arms and long the flanks and to relax
completely; repeat many times to the day, until when you succeed to use a such speed to hit to the target without to
mistake the blow avoiding of farces badly when it is hit.
After some months of application of the previous techniques, it can be begun to put in pratical the "steel fist" on
human targets that must acquire the maximum effectiveness, the scope is that one to hit a target with one lash with
the knuckles of the index and the mean without to make although the minimal dispersion of energy.
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The great master Shihan Ryonosuke Mori tells that is essential the custom of the bouncing sack that but you must not
be used like in the western boxe, but in way completely different that you needs to put on in front of the sack and strike
it with the upright fist " HYOKEN ZUKI ", fixing a force always better hands that will be
become more experienced.
Before of all, you will do from " training for sack " for know regular good in the graduate progressively the force of
kicks and duke ect.
This is one of the good exercises for develop the coordination arms-legs; additionally, you strengthens breath and
resistance and you favors a bountiful and beneficent transpiration.
The training serves to the acquisition of fundamental concepts for any fighters, like the timing, the sense of the
distance; of the rhythm, the creeps, all that in conclusion the use to acquire brisk, powerful and decisive techniques
beyond, clearly, to the specific work to the armour " Bogu ".
The custom of these last consents the acquisition of the exemplary dowries of whom you train to the contact, like
breath, reflexes, ability of cash the hits, and the safeguard of the integrity, physics, thing not inconsiderable for who é inserted in a context western professional-member.
The Kempoka is a complete athlete.
Footing, work to the sack, rope ect., all the lasts required preparation to athletes like boxers or full-contacters, with
the handicap that the kempoka, focuser gloves from the armour is inferior to one respiratory very more binding effort.
But we have precised that the work of which you above the endeavor for amplify that of the defense self or of the real
fighting, for can him so insert in the board of the BUDO and give to the traineers a certain certainty of not dangerousness
in the apprehend it in gym.

© Copyright 1998 - 2002 by A.R.N.K.
Contact directly to Chief teacher :
Francesco Paolo Faraone