Pallister-Killian Syndrome

KEANU's story - by Tama Scott



Born: July 25th 1996
Diagnosed: 1998
Residence: Maryland (MD)

Keanu is a wonderful little boy.
He had alot medical problems within the first few months of his young life. When we went to a number of Drs to find out what was wrong with him, we were told that he is PKS.

It took us almost us 2 years to find out what medical problems he has.

Keanu was first child to be diagnosed in the state of Maryland. Now there are 2 more children in MD but we had no contact from the other parents so far.

Keanu has alot of problems health wise. He is on the sever side of PKS. Keanu had a double hernia operation age 3 months. Then by the age of 18 months he had RSV and pneumenia H he was in the Hospital for 1 month. We did not think he would live. But he fought very hard.

Keanu has had tubes put in his ears twice, due to his ear canals are so small. The limit was 2 times for tubes.

Last summer Keanu had his hips operated on he had hip displasic. He had metal rods inserted into his hips and legs to straight out his legs, he can walk some as long as he is in what they call GAIT. He can sit up better now then before.

He can hold a cup and tried to feed himself. He does enjoy being talk to. He makes certain sounds as if he is trying to talk back to you.

Keanu does go to school here, he has been going since the age of 3. He has a wheelchair to get around and enjoys school very much.

Keanu is very loving in his own way he lets you know when he pats you on your back when he is held or he takes his hand and rubs your arm.
He is our little angel boy.

We love Keanu very much and we are still learning with him what we can do to help him. I hope this story would help somebody out there in a similar situation.
Tama Scott can be reached at

Last update: 20 June 2002

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