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Bibliografia in lingua italiana

  • Amato, F. – Casciano, M.V. – Lazzeroni, L. – Loffredo, A., Il Mobbing. Aspetti lavoristici: nozioni, responsabilità, tutele, Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2002.

  • Ascenzi, Antonio – Bergagio, Gian Luigi, Il mobbing - Il marketing sociale come strumento per combatterlo, G.Giappichelli editore, Torino, 2000.

  • Ascenzi, Antonio – Bergagio, Gian Luigi, Mobbing: riflessioni sulla pelle, Giappichelli Editore, Torino, 2002.
    Battistelli, F., Anatomia del nonnismo: cause e misure di contrasto del "Mobbing" militare, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2000

  • Bianchi, L.A., Ammalarsi di lavoro. Vessazioni e persecuzioni in ufficio e in azienda, BESA Editrice, Nardò (LE), 2001.

  • Bona, M. – Monateri, G. – Oliva, U., Mobbing: vessazioni sul lavoro, Giuffrè Editore, 2000.

  • Bona, M. – Monateri, G. – Oliva, U, La responsabilità civile nel mobbing, IPSOA, 2002.

  • Braun, A., Dalla disgrazia al danno, Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2002.

  • Carrettin, S. – Recupero, N., Il mobbing in Italia. Terrorismo psicologico nei rapporti di lavoro, Edizioni Dedalo, Bari, 2001.

  • Casilli, Antonio, Stop mobbing - Resistere alla violenza psicologica sul luogo di lavoro, Derive Approdi, Roma, 2000.

  • CGIL, CISL, UIL, Pericolo Mobbing. Guida per prevenire e combattere le violenze psicologiche nei luoghi di lavoro, Edit Coop - Edizioni Lavoro - Lavoro Italiano, Roma, 2002.
    CGIL, CISL, UIL Lombardia - ISPESL - Clinica del lavoro, Rischio Mobbing - Guida per il rappresentante dei lavoratori per la sicurezza, ISPESL, Roma, 2001.

  • Ciccarello M. E., Il Mobbing in Famiglia, Centro Studi Bruner, Master in Med. Familiare, 2002
    Ciccarello M.E., Mobbing e famiglia, su

  • De Falco, G. – Messineo, A. – Messineo, F., Mobbing: diagnosi, prevenzione e tutela legale, EPC Libri, Roma, 2003.

  • Delconte, Il mobbing entra in famiglia?, in Lav. giur., 5/2000.

  • De Luise, E., Il Mobbing. La tutela esistente, le prospettive legislative e il ruolo degli organi di controllo, Gruppo Editoriale Esselibri Simone, Napoli, 2003.

  • De Risio, S. (a cura di), Psichiatria della salute aziendale e mobbing, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2002.
    Donis, M., Mobbing Stress e Burn-out, 2002.

  • Ege, H., Mobbing conoscerlo per vincerlo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2001.

  • Ege, H., La valutazione peritale del danno da mobbing, Giuffrè Editore, Milano, 2002.

  • Ege H., Il fenomeno, in Mobbing Online, in .

  • Frascheri, C., Mobbing. Guida alla tutela, Edizioni Lavoro, Roma, 2003.

  • Gallotti, D. – Cusmai, E., Mobbing, Editrice Ianua, Roma, 2001.

  • Hirigoyen, Marie-France, Molestie morali: la violenza perversa nella famiglia e nel lavoro, Einaudi, Torino, 2000 (tit. or. Le harcelement moral: la violence perverse au quotidien).

  • Lazzari C., Mobbing: conoscerlo, affrontarlo, prevenirlo, ESI, Pescara, 2001.

  • Lazzari C., Mobbing: conoscerlo, affrontarlo, prevenirlo, MOB1 Questionario di valutazione

  • ESI, Pescara, 2001.

  • Lazzari, C., Mobbing ed altre violenze morali sul lavoro: manuale di sopravvivenza per dipendenti e manager, E.S.I., 2002.

  • Ligi, E., Il mobbing in agguato, Data Ufficio Editrice, Roma, 2001.

  • Ligi, E. – Schiavo, P., Mobbing...a che punto siamo?, a che Data Ufficio Editrice, Roma, 2002.
    Maier, E., Il mobbing e lo stress organizzativo, Il Ponte Vecchio, 2002.

  • Mariotti, P. – Toscano, G. (a cura di), Danno psichico e danno esistenziale, Giuffrè Editore.
    Menelao, A. - Della Porta, M. – Rindonone, G. (a cura di), Mobbing: la faccia impresentabile del mondo del lavoro, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2001.

  • Meucci, M., Danni da mobbing e loro risarcibilità, Ediesse, Roma, 2003.

  • Milizia, A., Il danno biologico-psichico, Roma, SMORRL, 2003.

  • Monateri, Bona, Oliva (2000), Le molestie morali nel sistema giuridico italiano, in appendice a Hirigoyen (2000) Molestie morali, Torino, cit.

  • Monateri, Bona, Oliva (2000), Mobbing: vessazioni sul lavoro, Giuffrè Editore. Contiene in appendice: Corte D’Appello di Torino, Sentenza sul Mobbing in Famiglia.

  • Mottola, M.R., Mobbing e comportamento antisindacale, UTET, Torino, 2003.

  • Pacchiarotti, P. (a cura di), Le violenze intorno e dentro di noi, UIL C.A. UILCA di Roma, Roma, 2001.

  • Pavan, A.M., Mobbing e giustizia assente: la mia storia, PRIMA, Bologna, 2001.

  • Petrilli D., Mobbing familiare e coniugale, LEX et JUS - luglio 2003, Napoli.

  • Riguzzi, S., Il mobbing. Violenze morali e persecuzioni psicologiche sul lavoro, Edizioni CieRre, Roma, 2001.

  • Rimini C., Mobbing coniugale, su

  • Rupprecht-Stroell, B., Mobbing: no grazie!, Tea Pratica, Milano, 2001.

  • Saolini, P., Mobbing. In costi umani dell’impresa, Edizioni Lavoro, Roma, 2001.

  • Secci E.M. (2000), “Cos’è il Mobbing” in:

  • SNFIA, No al mobbing, SNFIA, Milano 2002.

  • Toppetti, F., Il danno psichico, Dogana RSM, Maggioli Editore, 2005

Selezioni bibliografiche in lingua inglese con breve presentazione

fonte:   - © Heinz Leymann - file 61100e

Adams, Andrea. (1992): Bullying at work. How to confront and overcome it. London: Virago Press.

The late Mrs. Adams is a British journalist, who since the end of the 80ies discussed mobbing/bullying in the workplace in newspapers and television. In England, it was she who brought this subject into the conscience of the nation.

Adams, Andrea. (1992): Holding out against workplace harassment and bullying. Personnel Management 1992/Oct.

Adams, Andrea. (1992): The Standard Guide to confronting bullying at work. Nursing Standard. 7:10. 44-46.

Bachrach, P. & Baratz. M. 1962: The two faces of power. American Political Science review 56: 947-52.

The authors are scholars of political science and have researched in the structure and distribution of power at a macrosociological level in societies. The book is quite a milestone in this area. The empirical background to the book is the civil rights movement in the USA of the 60s. This line of thinking is of interest in our mobbing research, as it brings political avoidance behavior and structure into the open. These avoidance techniques can also be observed in the course of mobbing.

AFS (1993): Victimization at work. Vol. 17. Stockholm: Arbetarskyddsstyrelsen.

This is the Swedish national act against mobbing in the workplace.

Babiak, Paul. 1995: When Psychopaths go to Work: A Case Study of an Industrial Psychopath. Applied Psychology: An International Review. 44(2). 171-188.

An article that describes research on psychopatology in workplaces by means of an interesting case study.

Björkqvist, Kaj & Niemelä, Pirkko. 1992: New Trends in the Study of Female Aggression. In Björkqvist & Niemelä (Eds.): Of Mice and Women. Aspects of Female Aggression. Dan Diego: Academic Press.

Professor Björkqvist of the Åbo Akademi in Finland is internationally well known for his research on aggression. In this book he describes different aggressive behavior that occurs between men and between women, in whom he found remarkable differences.

Björkqvist, Kaj et al. 1992: The Development of Direct and Indirect Aggressive Strategies in Males and Females. In Björkqvist & Niemelä (Eds.): Of Mice and Women. Aspects of Female Aggression. Dan Diego: Academic Press.

Björkqvist, Kaj. et al. (1992): Do girls manipulate and boys fight? Developmental trends in regard to direct and indirect aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 18, 117-27.

Björkqvist, Kaj. et al. (1994): Aggression among University employees. Aggressive Behavior, 20, 173-184.

This article discusses empirical research, in terms of mobbing behavior, done by the Åbo Akademi.

Bray, Frank. (1992): A local authority approach to harassment. Personnel Management 1992/Oct.

Brodsky, C. M. (1976): The harassed worker. Lexington: Lexington Books.

This was the first book ever to deal with mobbing/harassment in the workplace. In 1976, unfortunately, the author was not yet able to differ between what today is called mobbing and other topics, such as industrial accidents, stress due to heavy work loads, chemical pollution in the workplace etc. The author looked at the stressed worker as being a victim of his own powerlessness. Because of poor discrimination between workplace problems of various sorts, this book never made any impression. Nevertheless, this is the first time that some mobbing cases were published.

DeWaal, Frans. (1992): Peacemaking among primates. London: Penguin Books.

A very good popular scientific overview of the research on primates. The book presents very interesting notions on social connections between primates of different gender and on social manipulation. This very central social behavior shows, that the equivalent of the human beings should be regarded of being some millions year old, e. g. also mobbing behavior.

DSM: Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.

One of the two official manuals on psychiatric diagnoses, published by the American Society. The other manual, the ICD-10, is published by the World Health Organization.

Einarsen, Stale. & Skogstad, A. (1996): Prevalence and risk groups of bullying and harassment at work. . In: Zapf & Leymann (Eds.): Mobbing and Victimization at Work . A Special Issue of The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2/1996.

An over view of the Norwegian mobbing research.

Goleman, Daniel. (1996): Emotional Intelligence - Why it Can Matter More than IQ. London: Bloomsbury.

To the scholar of mobbing behavior and its mental effects on the victim, this is one of the more important books. It gives a splendid description of the brain activities that leads to post-traumatic stress disorder.

Groeblinghoff, Dieter. & Becker, Michael. (1996): A case study: Diagnosing the Mobbing Victim. In: Zapf & Leymann (Eds.): Mobbing and Victimization at Work . A Special Issue of The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2.

A description of the work of Dr. Becker in Germany, together with whom I developed new treatment programs especially designed for victims of mobbing.

Jones, Edvard E. (1984): Social stigma - The psychology of marked relationships. New York: W. H. Freeman.

Still, according to my view, the best informative book on stigmatization.

Karasek, Robert. & Theorell, Töres. (1990): Healthy work: Stress, productivity and the reconstruction of working life. New York: Basic Book.

In my view, this is also still the best scientific overview of the research on work and health. It presents psychological, social and medical research on stress, that shows, that management should recognize the biological and mental limits of the human being, when organizing production and administration. It also shows, that humans have potential, that is - on the other hand - rarely used in the Western industrial world. The problem today is personnel management and leadership that too often treats the human being with disrespect and as being merely a production factor, thereby completely failing to stimulate creativity, motivation and learning skills.

Kaucsek, György. & Simon, Peter. (1995): Psychoterror and risk-management in Hungary. A paper presented at the 7th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Györ, Hungary.

The first report on mobbing at workplaces in Hungary.

Kolb, D. M. & Bartunek, J. M. (1992): Hidden conflicts in organizations. Newbury Park: Sage.

Conflict research by an American feminist that opens up a very interesting line of thinking.

Lazarus, Richard S. (1966): Psychological stress and the coping process. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Still the standard reading on stress psychology

Lazarus, Richard S. & Folkman, Susan. (1984): Stress, appraisal and coping. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Lennane, K. Jean. 1993: "Whistleblowing": a health issue. BMJ 307. 667-670.

Whistleblowing is one of the behaviors that may provoke a mobbing procedure into starting. Most research in this area is being done in Australia. This article gives a good overview.

Leymann, Heinz. (1990): Mobbing and psychological terror at workplaces. Violence and Victims, 5. (2).

The first publication in the USA on mobbing.

Leymann, Heinz. (1993): The Silencing of a Skilled Technician. Stockholm: Working Environment. pg 28-30. (Description of a Swedish case).

A mobbing case description.

Leymann, Heinz. (1996): The Content and Development of Mobbing at Work. In: Zapf & Leymann (Eds.): Mobbing and Victimization at Work . A Special Issue of The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2.

The leading article in the first English book on mobbing and European mobbing research.

Leymann, Heinz & Kornbluh Hy. (1989): Socialization and Learning at Work. A new approach to the Learning Process in the Workplace and Society. Aldershot Hants: Gower Publishing Avebury.

‘Learning’ is most often regarded as being a process that brings about a positive outcome in terms of better knowledge, which is good for the learner as well as for society. In this book, learning is treated neutrally: By living, the human being undergoes experiences, some of them being of a social nature. Thus, the human being learns how to survive and how to fit in. Learning in organizations is not only a way towards knowledge it is also "good” and "useful” for the organization. Some of our experiences in organizations teach us how not to be exposed, how not to come into dangerous positions, for example by offering new ideas that may upset management. Human beings "socialize” within their own life space. What they socialize into, depends very often on what the circumstances in life, for example in the workplace, have to offer. Some people learn social survival techniques that are quite harmful to organizations. By taking into account human learning processes and offering healthy organizational circumstances, management may can secure engaged and motivated employees.

Leymann, Heinz. & Gustafsson, Anneli. (1996): How ill does one become of victimization at work? In: Zapf & Leymann (Eds.): Mobbing and Victimization at Work . A Special Issue of The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2.

Statistics on mobbing victims who are in-patients at a Swedish clinic.

Leymann, Heinz & Tallgren, Ulf. (in print): Investigation into the frequency of adult mobbing in a Swedish steel company using the LIPT questionnaire.

This is worldwide the very first mobbing investigation ever in a company - SSAB, the biggest Swedish steel company.

McCarthy, Paul. et al (1995): Managerial styles and their effects on employees health and well-being. Brisbane: School of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management.

An Australian study of the connection between leadership styles in organizations and the health of employees in these organizations.

McCarthy, Paul; Sheehan, Michael & Wilkie, William (Ed.). (1996): Bullying - from backyard to boardroom. Alexandria: Millenium Books.

Fourteen articles from Australia on mobbing/bullying and whistleblowing processes.

Niedl, Klaus. (1996): Mobbing and well-being: Economic and personnel development implications. . In: Zapf & Leymann (Eds.): Mobbing and Victimization at Work . A Special Issue of The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2.

A short English version of the authors´ doctoral dissertation on mobbing (this was the first dissertation on mobbing processes ever).

Olweus, Dan. (1993): Bullying at school. What we know and what we can do. Oxford: Blackwell.

The autho, whor is Swedish, holds a professorship in Norway. He is the leading world expert on children's bullying at school.

Toohey, John. (1991): Occupational stress. Managing a metaphor. Sydney: Macquarie University.

A doctoral dissertation that focuses on a sociomedical problem in Australia. The author discusses the misuse of the term "stress” as a medical diagnosis, which devertes the attention towards the health of the employee and away from the sources of organizational stress: poor organization of production and administration, and bad treatment of the individual as an employee.

Vartia, Maarit. (1996): The sources of mobbing - work-related factors and leadership behavior. In: Zapf & Leymann (Eds.): Mobbing and Victimization at Work . A Special Issue of The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2/1996.

An overview of the Finnish research on mobbing in the workplace.

Walton, Richard E. (1969): Interpersonal peacemaking: Confrontations and third party consultation. Reading: Addison- Wesley.

This is the first book on the solving of conflicts by a "third-party” involvement. The social techniques of this method were derived from concepts investigated mainly in California, USA, during the early 60s in the area of family therapy.

Zapf, Dieter, Knorz, Carmen. & Kulla, M. (1996): On the relationship between Mobbing Factors and Job Content, Social Work environment and Health Outcomes. In: Zapf & Leymann (Eds.): Mobbing and Victimization at Work . A Special Issue of The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2.

Zapf, Dieter & Leymann, Heinz (Ed., 1996): Mobbing and Victimization at Work. A Special Issue of The European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2. (Inhalt: Eine auktoritative Übersicht über die interantionale Mobbingforschung.)

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