Suggestions for tourists in Rome and Italy from an English Speaking driver-guide in Rome |
Suggestions, hints, advice, stories and more for travelers to Rome |
I'll be adding more
anecdotes, so you may want to come back to this page from time to
time... |
A lot of the visitors who tour Italy, from non-European countries, really don’t come prepared.
I decided therefore to add this new page to my website. A page where I
want to write my anecdotes hoping they could help the average tourist, and
especially those coming from overseas, to enjoy Italy more. My wish
is that visiting my website to see what tours I offer, one
could be intrigued by a button saying “anecdotes” and click it.
If you did, my beloved tourist, click on the buttons of this page read my anecdotes.
Please click and read! |
Today everybody's
always in such a hurry that they can’t take the
time to read about a country before visiting it.
They just go. "We travel to learn, so we’ll
learn when we get there!" They say. Who, these
days, would have the time to go to a library,
borrow books about Italy and read them before
coming here? And those visiting more than just
one country? Take cruisers for example; they’re
practically in a different country every day!
How in the world can they be expected to
find the time to study about the ten different
countries they’ll be visiting during their
ten-day cruise? So, most people just hop on a
plane and go, without even taking a look at a
map to see where they’re going before they go.
After all, think of all the things one has to do
before leaving for a vacation: book the flights,
hotels, ground transportation, instruct the
person that will be taking care of the business
during the absence, find someone to go to the
house to feed
Fido, someone to keep Pussycat,
etcetera etcetera… No time to read travel books or look at maps.
They're going to to do a tour with a guide at each place, so why
bother? They'll ask their guide and he'll tell them!
One question I was asked recently and
that almost made me pass out is the following:“ Did the Tsunami do a
lot of damage here in Italy?” Maybe if they just took a map of
Europe to the bathroom with them instead of sports page of the local
I thought that if my clients could
learn from my website things like: "Why do you get pizza with
capsicums when you order “pizza-with-peperoni” in Italy?", then I
wouldn’t have to explain it during the tour and we could make a
better use of our touring time. |
paolo@drivinguide.com |
What you get if you ask for "Pizza with
Pepperoni" in Italy |
The other day I went to the hotel Excelsior in Florence to pick up
my group for our tour of the city. We had already
spent a few days together, they had arrived a few days earlier at Rome’s
airport and we had driven from there straight to Positano. After
spending a couple of days in the area, visiting Pompeii, Capri and
the Amalfi Coast, we drove to Rome and spent a few days exploring
the “Eternal City” and its surroundings. We finally arrived in Florence the day before
after visiting Orvieto and Sienna on the way. Now we were bound for
a full day tour of the city of Florence with the help of a local
guide for the tour of the Accademia and the Uffizi museums. While we
waited for the guide to arrive we chatted about this and that and, I
don’t recall why, I started to talk about how the meaning of the
exact same word varied depending on the country where it was used.
I brought up as an
example the fatidic “Pizza with Peperoni”. I started to explain that
in Italy we call “peperoni” peppers, capsicum. In the USA instead,
you call that a spicy hot “salame” sausage that we generally here
call “salame piccante”, piccante meaning spicy hot. |
But is called
different names in other parts of Italy: “pezzenta”, “secondigliano”,
“ventricina”, “salamella” etcetera. So I continued to explain that
often you see Americans ordering “Pizza with Peperoni” at a
restaurant and getting pizza with peppers. They inevitably end up
arguing with the waiter thinking he messed up with their order. Now
in almost all the pizzerias they keep en Italian-English
dictionary just so that they can leaf through it and show the
customer that he actually ordered pizza-with-capsicum and he
shouldn’t complain because that’s exactly what he got.
As I was
telling my story I noticed that my clients started to look at each
other looking embarrassed and, as I finished one of them asked me:
“Where did you have dinner last night?” I didn’t understand right
away what this had to do with the story I just told, but I explained
that I was friends with the family of Maria Elena, the guide that
was about to meet us for the tour and we had diner together at their
place the night before. “Why?” I concluded. “Well,” My client said
“we thought you had dinner in the same restaurant where we had pizza
last night, because the story you told is our own story. I other
words what you just narrated is what happened to us yesterday. You
should have seen Joe’s face when the owner of the restaurant showed
him the dictionary!” |
you get if you ask for "Latte" in Italy. |
She flew into Rome's airport very
early in the morning. When she finally got to the hotel she
booked near Piazza Navona, one of the most beautiful and
evocative squares in Rome, the receptionist told her he wouldn't
have her room ready any sooner then 12.00 noon. She wouldn't
have gone to bed anyway, but it would have been nice to unpack
and take a
shower before starting to walk the streets of Rome. She had
already decided to stay up at least until 10.00 pm. She was told
that it was the easiest way to catch up with the time difference and
reduce the discomfort of jetlag to a minimum. The hotel was
going to keep her luggage in storage until her room was ready,
the concierge said..
She freshened up in the restrooms downstairs, she got directions
from the concierge on how to get to Piazza Navona and off she
went. Not too
many people around at that early
hour and that made the place even more enjoyable. The air was
nice and fresh, the water spilling from the fountains sounded
like a carillon. Some delivery trucks eventually entered the
square and the noise from their engines disturbed the delicate
atmosphere a bit, but they were soon gone. All of the
restaurants and coffee shops had their tables and chairs out
already, she picked a place on the sunny side of the piazza and
sat down.
She was tempted to order some of
the pastry she saw displayed on the counter as she walked to her
table, but she decided they looked really fattening. "Maybe
tonight after dinner" she thought. The waiter came with the menu
and tried to hand it to her, but she gestured she didn't need it
and just said: "Latte!" The waiter was surprised to hear this
attractive, well dressed, American lady speak Italian and
automatically replied: "Caldo o freddo?" At home, when she
ordered "Latte", they served her a nice cup of hot coffee with
milk and that was exactly what she needed after that long flight
and the coffee she was served on the plane. |
She didn't speak any Italian, but
she liked to pretend she did and the first one of the two words
the waiter spoke sounded like "Cold". She didn't want her
"latte" to be cold, she tried to repeat the second word the
waiter spoke. She was thinking
that "caldo" must have meant cold in Italian, it sounded so
similar, than the other word the waiter spoke must have
obviously meant cold. So she said to the waiter: "No caldo,
fresno." "Freddo" quickly the waiter corrected her. "Freddo" she
repeated correctly this time. Seconds later the waiter returned
with a nice glass of cold milk, he put it on her table, smiled and
walked away. She looked at the milk and thought it was strange
that in Italy they would serve you a glass of cold milk before
bringing your "Latte". She just sat there for a while staring at
useless glass of cold milk and patiently waited for her "Latte"
to come. Noon was still far in time and she was in no hurry but
she wanted her "Latte" and it wasn't coming. She
stopped the waiter as he walked past her on his way to serve
clients at another table. "Latte" she said to him again. "Latte" he replied
pointing to the glass of cold milk on the table. "Freddo" She
almost shouted. "Freddo" repeated the waiter and, knowing no
English at all, he tried to say her by gesticulating that he
brought her exactly what she asked for: a glass of cold milk!
She couldn't catch sleep on the plane, she was tired from the
trip and consequently a bit nervous. |
She really couldn't see why it
was so difficult for the waiter to understand what she wanted,
after all "Latte" is an Italian word! "No" she said accompanying
the word with gestures, "No-cold" pronounced distinctly
"No-cold, latte-no-cold, latte HOT!" "Ahhh!
HOT!" the waiter said. Finally he heard an English word he knew.
"Latte no-cold, latte HOT! OK! Subito! (right away)" Seconds
later he returned with the same glass of milk which he had
wormed up. She was ready to scream and she did: "COFFEE!"
"Coffee?" The waiter asked smiling because "coffee" was another
one of the few English words he knew "No milk? Coffee?" "Yes,"
she shouted "NO-MILK! COFFEE!" The waiter took the glass of milk
from the table and walked away. Two minutes later he returned
with this tiny little cup filled by one third of thick stuff
that looked like mud.
Just a few steps away my friend Guido was
opening up his "shop". He sells paintings right on the square.
He sells paintings he does himself and paintings done by others.
He has a license to sell on the square, a license which is hard
to get and he's lucky to have. For what I know he still has all
the pictures he painted and he makes his money from selling the
good |
ones made by the real painters
who don't have the license they're required to have to sell them
in public spaces.
Guido likes women. We call him "Centipede" because a girl he
dated once called him that. She said he was all over her that
night, like if he had many more than just two arms and legs. She
felt like if she had one hundred limbs on her, like a centipede
in fact. Guido speaks good English and has girl-friends in all
of the English speaking countries, including New Zealand.
He noticed that girl
sitting there just as he arrived and while he was unpacking his
stuff he was thinking of an excuse to go over to her table and
talk to her. When he heard her shout at the waiter it was like
music to his ears, it was obvious she was in distress and she
couldn't make herself understood. "Can I help you?"
he said once he'd come close enough. She explained what the
trouble was and Guido, while he told the waiter to bring the
lady a "Caffellatte" and an espresso for himself, sat down next
to her and explained that what he just said "Caffellatte"
was what she really wanted. "Caffellatte?" she asked. "Yes"
Guido |
said and then continued "in case
you want more coffee and less milk in your drink you can ask for
Cappuccino". In the meantime
Guido was keeping an eye on his Moroccan employee who wasn't
happy to do all the work of unpacking and displaying the
paintings alone while his boss was having coffee with a
beautiful lady. Guido took his time and explained further:
"Coffee shops in America, like Starbucks, have "Caffé
Latte" on their menu and that is wrong, the real name of the
drink is "Caffellatte", all together in one word.. In
America, and in all of the English speaking countries in
general, people like to shorten names, so that's why "cafféllatte" became "latte". It obviously had
coffee in it, so why bother pronouncing the word for coffee in a
foreign language? In America it works. ... in America!
explained: "Caffellatte" obviously means coffeemilk the
name is a combination of caffé (coffee) and latte (milk)
so if you only say "latte" you ask for milk, and milk is what
you get!
The lady
loved her caffellatte and asked for another one.
Guido loved the lady and asked
for more coffee.
They kept conversing until the
Moroccan walked over to their table to tell Guido some clients
were asking for him. Before leaving the table Guido asked the
lady out and she told him she was going to be with her husband that
night. He was going to arrive later in the day from Germany
where he had spent a few days for his business. "Too bad" Guido said as
he was leaving her "Thank you for the coffee. Ciao." He walked
toward his clients slowly and in the meantime he was checking the
tables of the other coffee shops to see if any other interesting
ladies where sitting anywhere near... |