TAPanel: Browser for Reinforced Earth precast Panels

Pannelli Terra Armata The TAPanel browser is the standalone version of a part of the series of libraries written in Visual Basic 6 for the SITAR, the integrated system for the management and design of structures Reinforced Earth used in the EMEA, when, after the acquisition of Terre Armée on the part of Freyssinet, the development center, based in Paris, moved to Madrid, and the company became Freyssinet Terra Armata. The libraries, mostly derive from the ones I had written in AutoLISP©, and were the body of the design program. These routines recovered all the elements needed to realize the panels (reinforcing bars, attachments, spacers, etc.) for the extrapolation of the orders to be made to the prefabrication plant and the calculations for the construction of the structure to be carried out. The main purpose was to obtain the identification code of the panel based on its structural and geometric characteristics, such as thickness, reinforcement, number of anchoring elements, the presence or absence of a toping, cutting right or left side if not whole, to the foundation step height, to the codification relating to the prefabricators (Italian, French, Spanish). With this application, the designer determines the panel code among thousands of possible combinations. The example in this page XAP4G00 is a standard panel, not reinforced, 1.67 meters high, cut to the left to a width of 1 meter, in a wall with foundation steps of 0.75 meters, with 4 anchoring elements for reinforcing strips, according to the coding used in Italy and Spain. The standalone version allowed the user to set all the features through the choices of radio buttons and to set height and width with the navigation arrows at the top. In addition, compared to the version integrated in SITAR, there are three buttons that in the order allow to generate the dwg file of AutoCAD© related to the construction board of the panel with all the accessory elements, the Excel© file with the list of materials necessary for the realization of the panel and the Word© file with the technical sheet of the panel itself. The first two in particular are the documents used by the prefabricator for the construction of the panel. All of this naturally in the six languages ​​supported by the EMEA of Reinforced Earth.