Affaires.Net: Project Management for Terra Armata Italia

Affaires, is the French equivalent used for "Contracts". Affaires.Net is a program originally written in Visual Basic 4© for Windows 98SE © and AutoCAD© 14. It is the first management prototype on Microsoft© operating system that prepares the working environment of AutoCAD© (environment variables, design settings, templates, etc.) in order to enable the RECAD (Reinforced Earth CAD), ie the automatic drawing program, and incorporates at the same time some of the functions of "MAIL" and "AFFAIRE" (operating exclusively in a Unix environment), and respectively the customer management and the project management. The RECAD, was originally written in C++, based on an Informix database, and was created to work in a Unix or MS-DOS environment through a Novell network, and required, as well as the environment variables, also a strongly defined directory structure. This structure allowed AutoCAD© 14 to retrieve the data with all the details of the structure being designed (project height, minimum burial, distance between cross sections, characteristics imposed by the designer for the start and end of the structure, type of terrain, service life, etc.) and through abacus with the characteristics of the individual panels that will constitute the project. Essentially the program is responsible for starting AutoCAD©, with a series of command line parameters and with the information related to all the projects in progress. In addition, the program is connected to the databases in the Unix network which also contains the information on the contacts of the project managers. The program remained in use until the advent of Windows XP©, when it was abandoned for the integrated management system, the SITAR, much more complex and developed together with the colleagues of Tierra Armada in Spain.

Below is an example of the code launched by the program:

@echo off

rem 	by R.D.R., sep. 2001
rem 	by R.D.R., feb. 2001
rem		by R.D.R., mar. 2000
rem 	by R.D.R., sep. 1999
rem 	To be run under Win9x from VBscript or VBasic

rem move to server

rem 	check if affaire exists
if "%1"=="" goto nodir
if not exist "t:\affaires\%1" goto newdir
goto acad

rem 	missing affaire parameter
echo Please run "AFF followed by a job name"
goto end

rem 	new affaire -> create directory under the affaires directory
rem 	and move to it before launching AutoCAD©
cd t:\affaires
md %1
cd %1
copy t:\recad\gabarit.txt t:\affaires\%1
goto acad

rem 	launch AutoCAD©
rem	Important: It needs the exact position of the ACAD.EXE file
rem	the /t parameter loads the template terra_1
rem	the /nologo parameter skips AutoCAD© splash screen and loads edito faster
c:\progra~1\autoca~1\acad.exe /t /nologo c:\recad\terra_1
goto end
