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ci siamo incontrati a cena a roma con i chizzola. Ci siamo subito collegati al vostro sito.E' bellissimo!Auguri per l'influenza... Francesco e Rossella D'Agostino
rossella d'agostino (
roma, -

This is a great site, thanks.
Antonio De Simone (
Milano, Italy -

There aren't comments for describe something like your works, 'cos the soul needs them and agree.
Silvia Cilliano (
Alghero, Italy -

Nice to see yor sculpture. Your modelling bring to me emotions and good feelings. Come to find me in my Artsite. Ciao
Maurizio Masetta (
Trapani, ITALY -

Admiro la belleza de sus obras, ansio el momento de verlas personalmente. Soy escultora y mi meta es darle a mis obras la vida que encuentro en cada una de las suyas. Desde Argentina mis saludos y agradecimiento por tanta belleza. Marìa Isabel Tauber.
Maria Isabel Tauber (
Mar del Plata, Argentina -

Estimado señor Kossuth: Vaya hacia Ud. toda mi admiración. Sus obras maravillosas transmiten emoción para el alma, dejándonos la impresión bellísima de lo grande en la obra de pequeño tamaño. Admirable la sensación de piel que producen sus esculturas, en donde parece que bajo ella juega la vida. Felicitaciones de esta humilde admiradora que también es escultora. He tenido la oportunidad de visitar Milano y estar frente a su "Contorsionista" de bronce que quedó impresa para siempre en mi retina estremeciéndome el corazón ¡Gracias!
Elizabeth Eichhorn (
Mar del Plata, Argentina -

Incredible! Captures both a deep understanding of stucture and form while lacing through each piece, from mondane to fantastic, strong threads of story and movement. I feel better for the experience of seeing even the shadow of the work that these pages can reflect. Briliant naturalism and study! -e
ian (
eugene, OR, USA -


Dear mr. Kossuth, your Simona still is very beautiful in our house. I am very honored having met you that day in Boskoop. With warm greetings to mr. Mesman too, in admiration.
Henk Verhagen
Nijmegen, Holland -

giuliana alzati (
milano, italy -

As I am searching for relatives I come across your website and it makes me so proud to have somebody with the same familyname as my mother doing such outstanding art. The figurines are beautiful, smooth, feelings go directly to the soul. Bravissimo, un abbraccio forte, Chiara
Chiara Wolf (
Clausthal Zellerfeld, Germany -

Your work is very inspiring. I am a 46 year old former engineer and scientist starting a new career in art. I am working in glass and steel (see and also teaching part time. I was looking for some examples of sculpture modelled in clay and cast in plaster to inspire my students, who will be doing the same--I found them!! Truly amazing work.
Ken Leap (
Portales, New Mexico, USA -

Kossuth sounds Hungarian- When visiting UK, visit our gallery. Modern Artists, Whitchurch on Thames, Berks. RG8 7EX.
peggy gibson (
Pangbourne, UK -

I am very impressed. Excellent technique and ability..beautiful figures. I hope this inspires me to get back into portrait sculpture. 44 years old and back in school to get my degree in graphic design..but my desire to sculpt is growing.
Jim D'Angelo (
Rochester, NY, USA -

Very nice site. Please visit Madmae Tussauds Exhibition, UK, London
Jane Timmans (

Absolutely outstanding. Hopefully I may one day see your show. Thank you.
Blazin' Tommy D. (
Johnson City, USA -

ciao Stanlio!!! sono in gIAPPONE E STO FACENDO VEDERE IUL TUO SITO AD UN AMICO(ARTISTA ANCHE LUI) ciao a tutti i Kossuth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gabriele Cassone (
milan, italy -

very impressive! I love your drawings and sculptures.
Shon (
Seoul , S.Korea -

Well, I guess I'm impressed. Initially, the prefection of the nudes suggested that they were made ffrom life-zized casts of models. Then I noticed that little 30 cm size. Good, very, very good.
Jim Todaro (
Long Island, New York, USA -

Complimenti per le opere esposte in galleria e per il magnifico sito.
Marco & Stefano (
Varese, Italy -

an excellent site i particually enjoyed the drawings in red chalk the reflection was impressive many thanks keep up the good work
malcolm lock (
worthing, west sussex -

La Vostra mostra sta avendo un notevole successo, nonostante manchi la moquettes sui gradoni del Montirone. Saluti luca
Luca Buson (obiettore di Abano) (
Battaglia Terme (PD), Italy -

La Vostra mostra sta avendo un notevole successo, nonostante manchi la moquettes sui gradoni del Montirone. Saluti luca
Luca Buson (obiettore di Abano) (
Battaglia Terme (PD), Italy -

Very subtle and honest art. Beautiful and inspiring.
Bart Buijs (
Almere, Netherlands -

you have such a ability to catch pure emotion in piece of work and those emotions come forth in each piece that is viewed. dont ever loose your passion.
Don Thmpson (
salt lake city, utah, united states of america -

Uma artista completo e sensível.
José Locatelli Pereira (
Jacareí, Brasil -

A beautiful site - simple, clean and lets the beauty of the magnificent artistry speak for itself. Wolfgang will be featured in "Famous Hungarians" page on The Hungary Page at
HipCat (
Washington, DC, USA -

Your artwork is a real tribute to your talent. Continued success. Patricia Jewel Patricia Jewel Gallery Http://
Patricia Jewel (
Tualatin, Oregon, U.S.A. -

A beautiful site and sight. A bientôt.
de Bruin Robert & Danielle (
Yverdon, Switzerland -

Magnetico,molto Bravo.
Maurizio De Todaro (
Milano, Italia -

Magnetico,molto Bravo.
Maurizio De Todaro (
Milano, Italia -

Magnetico,molto Bravo.
Maurizio De Todaro (
Milano, Italia -

Your work is absolutely stunning. A true joy to behold.
All the staff (
-, UK -

What a pleasure to visit your site. The work is wonderful. Thankyou
Silvina Albert (
Toronto, Canada -

Bravissimi.... Scintillante!
RK (
Vancouver, Canada -

Absolutely mesmerizing! What a talented and gifted person!
Starr (
Dallas, USA -

Truly amazing and extremely thought provoking!
Kathleen Hooper (
Gary, Texas, United States -

great sculptures and drawings!
alessio (
leiden, holland -

What dedication to the grace of the human form and spirit. Bravo!
Pamela Riddle
Farmville, VA, USA -

This site is sight for hungry eyes!
Cyprian Libera (
Vancouver, Canada -

wunderbar … unfassbar
Walter Nowak (
Solothurn, Switzerland -

Terrific work,wonderful compositions, concepts and a pleasure to the eyes!
Paul McNear (
Winter Park,FL 32789-2429, USA -

bel sito, complimenti!
marco (
maglie, italy -

Semplice e raffinato. complimenti
Fausto (
Zoccorino, Italy -

really wonderfull ciaomaui
captainmaui (
milano, italia -

really wonderfull ciaomaui
captainmaui (
milano, italia -

what a great web site, and what a great artist. go on like this.
alessio cristianini (
leiden, the netherlands -