Gym Computer has 7 specific programs keeping fit and taking care of people’s body.

• Toning of the Fast Muscles

• Toning of the Intermediate Muscles

• Toning of the Slow Muscles

• Muscular Relaxation

• Blood Circulation

• Anti-Cellulite

• Tens


(programs 1, 2, 3 Fitness and Health)

The electrostimulation is a sort of intense exercise acting on the muscles. Sitting or lying at home or wherever you desire it is possible to stay fit by toning and hardening your own body.

It is important to underline that one of the main advantages of the electrostimulation is the possibility to act intensively on the body specific areas which require a specific treatment. The electrostimulation allows to exercise glutei, tights, abdominals and any other body muscle by toning and hardening intensively. Another fundamental feature is the possibility to make exercise without involving other muscular groups. For example abdominal exercises can be done even by people with back problems (such condition is impossible with traditional exercises).

The use of the electrostimulation during a slimming diet helps to avoid the tissue relaxation keeping them toned and hard and helps to obtain a slender figure. Another application example, which is particularly important for women, is the need to tone the abdomen muscles after pregnancy. In this case it is necessary to wait one or two months before starting to use the electrostimulator which grants, anyway, excellent results.

The difference between the three toning programs has been studied by the Clermont-Ferrand University according to the features of the muscles to be treated. The muscles of the human body are made of two basic kinds of fibers: slow fibers (or red fibers, type I) and fast fibers (or white fibers, type II). These different kinds of fibers are stimulated by different electric pulses. (The stimulation of the white fibers has higher frequencies than those required by the red fibers). According to their function and position, the muscles of the human body have a different percentage of red and white fibers.

For this reason the body muscles have been grouped as follows:

fast muscles (ex.: breast muscle, brachial triceps, lateral musculus vastus, femoral rectum, ect.), which are those muscles with a higher percentage of fast fibers

intermediate muscles (ex.: brachial biceps, deltoid muscle, trapezius, femoral biceps, ..) which have the same percentage of red and white fibers

slow muscles such as abdominal lumbar and calf muscles, which are mainly made of slow fibers.


(program 4 Fitness and Health)

The program for the Muscular Relaxation, like that for the Blood Circulation, is an electrostimulation program which is not aimed at hardening and developing the muscles. This program is very useful for the relaxation of the stressed and tense muscles and to relieve muscular pains. Muscular contractures due to wrong positions or positions held for a too long time can be treated through a light and constant massage, which is the main feature of this program; the program has not to be used with high intensity and it can be repeated more than one time on the same muscular group. The simultaneous improvement of the circulation in the treated area amplifies the benefic effects.


(program 5 Fitness and Health)

An important application of the electrostimulation is the improvement of the blood circulation. A session of electrostimulation which acts on the muscular fibers helps the muscles to require more blood for their contraction. Furthermore, the rhythmic movement caused by the muscular contractions helps the reflux of the venous blood to the heart. In this way the whole circulatory system receives benefic effects from the electrostimulation treatments.

This program has been studied to use at best the benefits offered by the electrostimulation, i.e. to improve the blood circulation.

Apart from its activity on the blood circulation, the program number 5 acts also on the lymphatic circulation and it is therefore suggested for specific limphodrain treatments.


(program 6 Fitness and Health)

The main causes for the cellulite are: a bad blood circulation, a non-sufficient physical activity, the weight increase, stress and wrong eating habits. The use of the electrostimulation (which has some influence on the first two causes) combined with a diet can have important and real effects while treating the cellulite.

This program has been specifically created to use the possibilities offered by the electrostimulation alternating phases of intense contraction (helping to move the fat mass) to “draining” phases (helping to get rid of the adipose cells).


(program 7 Fitness and Health)

Apart from the orthopedic sector, the electrostimulation can be applied in several medical fields. One of the most useful applications refers to the anti-pain electrotherapy. The Tens program allows the inhibition of the pain transmission giving relief also to those people who suffer from chronic problems.

With the Tens the electrodes act as an electric bridge breaking the pain signal and preventing it to reach the brain. The electrodes have to be applied near the paining area on the nerve line and not on the muscle motor points. The right electrode position can be determined making several tries on the area to be treated.

It is important to remember that the electrodes never have to be placed on the face, on the head and not even one on the body right side and one on the left (obviously for the couple of electrodes on the output of the same cable).


Sport Programs

The Rehabilitation

Anti Cellulite Program

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