6 - The Gawar

The Gawar village of
The sixth
chapter deals with the Gawar, another former
Kafir (though not Nuristani) community, who also
live straddled across the border, occupying, on
the Pakistan side, the border village of Arandu,
and on the opposite side a number of villages
along the course of the Kunar river, where they
farm the rich lands of the alluvial valley floor.
The Gawar have much suffered in the past and in
recent times from the openness and scarce
defensibility of their territory. Three wars in a
century have ravaged this land: the Afghan
campaign for the conquest of Nuristan (then known
as Kafiristan) in 1896; the third Anglo-Afghan
war in 1919; and the Russian-Afghan war, which,
starting from 1978, saw some of its bloodiest
confrontations in this area, such as the battle
for the fort of Birkot, a Gawar village. The
Gawar preserve little memory of their pre-Islamic
times, but field research has nevertheless
yielded important data on their oral traditions
and history.