The personnel

The projects of our clients are managed by specialized professionals with expertise in the areas in which they operate. To provide a fast, efficient, qualitative and full service we take advantage of collaborators both internal and external providing adequately resources.

The shared experience and training of professionals and collaborators provide our clients the valuable combination of a local and international outlook with an Italian style.

The studio GENOVA promotes the training of young architects and students by offering the opportunity to carry out internships at the studio.

Paolo Genova

MA DArch, RIBA ARB architect (UK)
MScE DEng, CNI-FC ingegnere (IT)

Principal and director.
Supervises every step of the process from concept design to completion. He has senior experience in architectural and urban design, planning, construction supervision and management of multidisciplinary teams.

Aliya Rahmawati

MScE DEngineering (ID)

Property development director.
Supervises and manages every step of the property development process - land and buildings - from project feasibility to lisence/permit and building maintenance procedures. She has senior experience in property development, property management, strata title of building ownership and coordination of multi-disciplinary teams in the sector of real estate.
