The NoVece Coalition

First of all: NOVECE stands for "NOVECE is Not Vece".

NOVECE is an ongoing project designed to assure that a web site is not a VECE approved site, therefore is a good and well-designed site.

We'll publish a list of NOVECE web sites. If you want to be in that list, just drop us an e-mail at <novece@vece.net> with the URL of your web site, and put one of the following banners on your page.

To put a banner on your page, just choose the first one or the second one and copy into your HTML text the code bewteen

<!-- Begin of NOVECE banner -->


<!-- End of NOVECE banner -->

[NOVECE] We support the NOVECE coalition.

<!-- Begin of NOVECE banner -->
<a href="http://www.vece.net/novece/index.html">
<img src="http://www.vece.net/novece/images/novecesm.png" alt="[NOVECE]" border="0"></a>
We support the <strong>NOVECE</strong> coalition.
<!-- End of NOVECE banner -->

[NOVECE] We support the NOVECE coalition.

<!-- Begin of NOVECE banner -->
<a href="http://www.vece.net/novece/index.html">
<img src="http://www.vece.net/novece/images/novecelt.png" alt="[NOVECE]" border="0"></a>
We support the <strong>NOVECE</strong> coalition.
<!-- End of NOVECE banner -->

NOVECE on «MC9152»