Expedition to Rudyard, aka HMA Pinafore


To me, Traveller always had a sort of pseudo-Victorian flavor.
The long (star)ship voyages, the Empire, the honored traditions of its various military and civilian corps... when I referee Traveller, I tend to see it as a magnified version of its British counterpart in the last century.
Marcus Rowland a British game author, works on a shareware series of RPG worldbooks inspired by Victorian age SF, called Forgotten Futures.
They are very well produced, and I encourage anybody to check them out, and possibly register them.
Their usefulness as a sourcebook is not restricted to obviously Pseudo-Victorian RPGs like Castle Falkenstein or Space:1889. In fact, I converted the adventure enclosed in FF1 (The World of ABC) and used it with my current gaming group as the first episode in my new Traveller campaign.

This page details conversion notes for the adventure, but in order to use it you must download the full product, using one of the methods detailed here. Please consider registering it, BTW. It's high quality stuff, and the author deserve credit(s) for it.

The following paragraphs will give you a general overview of what to expect from this adventure. If you are interested, you should download the FF1 files, read the enclosed adventure, and then decide if you want to use it.
If you actually intend to referee it, you should read both the short stories (for the "feel" of the world), the worldbook (for more info on society and history of Rudyard, along with some ideas for other adventures) and then do some conversion to the adventure text and maps enclosed in FF1 (a guideline for what you need to modify, and how, is enclosed below).

Remember to register if you decide to actually use the FF1 material!

What's it all about?

The premise for the adventure is flexible enough to accommodate almost any kind of character. Only Rogues, Pirates and other criminal elements can't take part in it: all the PCs should be loyal Imperial Citizens of human stock (Vargr and other aliens won't work well in this adventure).
This episode can be used to gather different characters and form a party, and works best for Milieu:0 or other periods of Imperial expansion and re-contact with previously lost worlds. If you prefer Classic Traveller, you should place Rudyard just outside the Imperial Border. I am not familiar with MT or TNE backgrounds, but I think that you should be able to use Rudyard in them, too.
This adventure emphasizes detective work. There is some possibility for violence, and overtly violent PCs could probably turn it in a bloodbath, but the consequences will be extremely unpleasant for the survivors.

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