Why a new Seminar on Gregorian Chant?

What is the purpose of this new seminar on Gregorian Chant? Cantus Gregoriani, in the plural; we hope to offer a non-archaeological picture of Gregorian Chant. Gregorian Chant of the 9th-10th centuries is obviously a pivot chapter of the history of Western liturgy and music: nevertheless, it is high time to rediscover the Western living musical and liturgical traditions; first of all, local traditions (Ambrosian liturgy and chant, Hispanic traditions…), often alive up to the beginning of the 20th century. Besides this, it is essential to consider how Chant was adapted to musical languages: for example the cantus fractus, the frequent rhythmic adaptations, and above all the ``polyvocal'' performance of Chant, a feature that is rooted even in Late Antiquity.
A non-archaeological point of view means that Chant must be alive in its natural environment – liturgy. For this reason we plan – both in February and in April – to perform Compline (Completorium) or Vespers (according to the Benedictine tradition), and to celebrate a Chanted Mass. During these liturgies we plan to perform chants of the repertoire normally called «Gregorian Chant» but also chants of the traditions «around Gregorian Chant» (Ambrosian, Hispanic, cantus fractus…)

Programme, dates, teachers, registration fees

Dates: two weekends, 25-26 of February and 14-15 of April, the First Sunday of Lent and the Dominica in Albis (Quasimodo Sunday, Low Sunday).
Location: Genoa, San Filippo Oratory, near the Aquarium -- a 10 minutes walk from the railway station Piazza Principe, or a 2 minutes walk from the underground station "Darsena", the first station from Principe towards Deferrari.
Invited speakers and teachers: Guido Milanese (Università Cattolica, Milan, choirmaster of the Vocal Ensemble Ars Antiqua, Genoa), Marco Gozzi (Università di Trento), Giacomo Baroffio (Università di Pavia-Cremona), Leandra Scappaticci (Ministero dei Beni Culturali), Angelo Rusconi (Res Musica).
Fees: the seminar did not get any support from the local authorities, and therefore it will be made possible only by fees paid by seminar participants, if the audience will be large enough to cover all the expenses. The registration fee is 25 euros for students (Universities, Schools of Music, and any other school). The same applies to choir members. If more than 4 choristers of the same choir plan to attend the seminar a special fee will be offered. Other meeting participants: 40 euros. It is possible to pay a fee for both the sessions (February and April) at the special offer of 40 or 70 euros (students etc. / others).
Registration: Please mail to Ars Antiqua (segreteria@arsantiqua.org).