Dim Tmp1,Tmp2,Login,Indice,password
Dim Argomenti
Dim Pagina
Dim NumPagine
Dim Contatore
Tmp1 = Request("p")
Tmp2 = ""
For Indice = 1 To Len(Tmp1)
If Asc(Mid(Tmp1,Indice,1)) >= Asc("0") And Asc(Mid(Tmp1,Indice,1)) <= Asc("9") Then
Tmp2 = Tmp2 & Mid(Tmp1,Indice,1)
End If
Pagina = Left(Tmp2, 5)
If Pagina = "" Then Pagina = 1
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
rs.PageSize = 3 'righe x Pagina
rs.Open "SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY evidenzia desc,datacreazione desc", conn, 3, 3
If Not rs.EOF Then rs.AbsolutePage = Pagina
NumPagine = CLng(rs.PageCount)
Contatore = 1
Do While Not rs.EOF And Contatore <= rs.PageSize And Response.IsClientConnected
if len(rs("testo")) > 70 then
response.write left(rs("testo"),70) & "..."
response.write rs("testo")
end if