
Lisp »Tips 'n Tricks »NOT AND OR


   NAO.LSP (17 Luglio 2005)
   Copyright (C) 2005 Claudio Piccini.
   All rights reserved

   Generatore di tabelle di verita'

(defun xAf ( / x str )
 (setq x (random 10))
 (setq str (strcat "\n" (rtos x 2 2) " AND FALSE = "))
 (princ str)
 (princ (and x y))

(defun xAt ( / x y str )
 (setq x (random 10))
 (setq y T)
 (setq str (strcat "\n" (rtos x 2 2) " AND TRUE = "))
 (princ str)
 (princ (and x y))

(defun xOf ( / x str )
 (setq x (random 10))
 (setq str (strcat "\n" (rtos x 2 2) " OR FALSE = "))
 (princ str)
 (princ (or x y))

(defun xOt ( / x y str )
 (setq x (random 10))
 (setq y T)
 (setq str (strcat "\n" (rtos x 2 2) " OR TRUE = "))
 (princ str)
 (princ (or x y))

(defun xAx ( / x str )
 (setq x (random 10))
 (setq str (strcat "\n" (rtos x 2 2) " AND " (rtos x 2 2) " = "))
 (princ str)
 (princ (and x x))

(defun xOx ( / x str )
 (setq x (random 10))
 (setq str (strcat "\n" (rtos x 2 2) " OR " (rtos x 2 2) " = "))
 (princ str)
 (princ (or x x))

(defun xATx ( / x str )
 (setq x (random 10))
 (setq str (strcat "\n" (rtos x 2 2) " AND NOT " (rtos x 2 2) " = "))
 (princ str)
 (princ (and x (not x)))

(defun xOTx ( / x str )
 (setq x (random 10))
 (setq str (strcat "\n" (rtos x 2 2) " OR NOT " (rtos x 2 2) " = "))
 (princ str)
 (princ (or x (not x)))

(defun xNAOx ( / x str )
 (setq x (random 10))
 (setq str (strcat "\n" (rtos x 2 2) " NOT AND OR " (rtos x 2 2) " = "))
 (princ str)
 (princ (not (and x (or x))))

(defun xATy ( / x y )
 ; x=nil y=nil
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " AND NOT ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (and x (not y)))
 ; x=nil y=T
 (setq y T)
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " AND NOT ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (and x (not y)))
 ; x=T y=nil
 (setq x T)
 (setq y nil)
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " AND NOT ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (and x (not y)))
 ; x=T y=T
 (setq y T)
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " AND NOT ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (and x (not y)))

(defun xOTy ( / x y )
 ; x=nil y=nil
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " OR NOT ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (or x (not y)))
 ; x=nil y=T
 (setq y T)
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " OR NOT ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (or x (not y)))
 ; x=T y=nil
 (setq x T)
 (setq y nil)
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " OR NOT ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (or x (not y)))
 ; x=T y=T
 (setq y T)
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " OR NOT ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (or x (not y)))

(defun xNAOy ( / x y )
 ; x=nil y=nil
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " NOT AND OR ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (not (and x (or y))))
 ; x=nil y=T
 (setq y T)
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " NOT AND OR ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (not (and x (or y))))
 ; x=T y=nil
 (setq x T)
 (setq y nil)
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " NOT AND OR ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (not (and x (or y))))
 ; x=T y=T
 (setq y T)
 (princ "\n")
 (princ x)
 (princ " NOT AND OR ")
 (princ y)
 (princ " = ")
 (princ (not (and x (or y))))

  Estrae un numero casuale da 0 a x-1
(defun random ( x / m b c) 
 (if (not sd) (setq sd (getvar "DATE")))
 (setq m 65521 b 15937 c 33503)
 (setq sd (rem (+ (* b sd) c) m))
 (* (/ sd m) x)

(defun c:nao ( / tasto )
 (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
 (setq tasto "a")
 (princ "* TABELLE DELLA VERITA' *")
 (while tasto
  (princ "\n-----------------------")
  (princ "\n a. x AND FALSE")
  (princ "\n b. x AND TRUE")
  (princ "\n c. x OR FALSE")
  (princ "\n d. x OR TRUE")
  (princ "\n e. x AND x")
  (princ "\n f. x OR x")
  (princ "\n g. x AND NOT x")
  (princ "\n h. x OR NOT x")
  (princ "\n i. x NOT AND OR x")
  (princ "\n l. x AND NOT y")
  (princ "\n m. x OR NOT y")
  (princ "\n n. x NOT AND OR y")
  (princ "\n 0. Fine programma")
  (princ "\n-----------------------")
  (initget "a A b B c C d D e E f F g G h H i I l L m M n N 0")
  (setq tasto (getkword "\nScelta: "))
   ((or (= tasto "a")(= tasto "A"))(xAf))
   ((or (= tasto "b")(= tasto "B"))(xAt))
   ((or (= tasto "c")(= tasto "C"))(xOf))
   ((or (= tasto "d")(= tasto "D"))(xOt))
   ((or (= tasto "e")(= tasto "E"))(xAx))
   ((or (= tasto "f")(= tasto "F"))(xOx))
   ((or (= tasto "g")(= tasto "G"))(xATx))
   ((or (= tasto "h")(= tasto "H"))(xOTx))
   ((or (= tasto "i")(= tasto "I"))(xNAOx))
   ((or (= tasto "l")(= tasto "L"))(xATy))
   ((or (= tasto "m")(= tasto "M"))(xOTy))
   ((or (= tasto "n")(= tasto "N"))(xNAOy))
   ((= tasto "0")(setq tasto nil))
 (setvar "cmdecho" 1)

Test del Lisp

Command: nao
d. x OR TRUE
e. x AND x
f. x OR x
g. x AND NOT x
h. x OR NOT x
i. x NOT AND OR x
l. x AND NOT y
m. x OR NOT y
n. x NOT AND OR y
0. Fine programma
Scelta: e
1.41 AND 1.41 = T

Scelta: l
nil AND NOT nil = nil
nil AND NOT T = nil
T AND NOT nil = T
T AND NOT T = nil

Scelta: n
nil NOT AND OR nil = T
nil NOT AND OR T = T
T NOT AND OR nil = T
T NOT AND OR T = nil

Lisp »Tips 'n Tricks

Ultimo Aggiornamento_Last Update: 17 Luglio 2005