Public health and air pollution |
N Künzli and colleagues (Sept 2, p 795)1 report on the public-health impact of outdoor air pollution, originating mainly from traffic. The calculus of new cases of chronic bronchitis or frequency of asthma attacks is straightforward and easy to interpret. I find the estimates of excess deaths and hospital admissions more difficult.To estimate the impact on mortality in the populations in Austria, France, and Switzerland, Künzli and colleagues used the results from two studies of long-term effects of air pollution.2 They derive a joint relative risk estimate of 1·043 per 10 µg/m3 particulate matter (PM10) for all-cause mortality in adults--4·3% increase of mortality.
The relative risk estimate was applied together with an average-excess degree of exposure of slightly more than 20 µg/m3 PM10, to the number of non-violent deaths in each population. Künzli and colleagues estimated that about 41 000 excess deaths occur per year from air pollution in these three countries. Although this way of quantifying the effect is simple and striking, I find it rather misleading. Excess deaths are deaths that occur earlier than expected. The important question is how much earlier? They approach an answer by stating that the mean age at death due to cardiopulmonary causes is higher than that for all other causes. Death from this cause might generally occur at advanced age, but we cannot infer that everyone who dies from air pollution is old. A reanalysis of the two original studies suggests that the relative risk from air pollution is uniform with age and might be somewhat higher at age 70 years and younger.2,3 Since the mechanisms of long-term and short-term effects from air pollution are still obscure, I believe that we do not really know who dies from air pollution, and how long that person would have been expected to live otherwise.
We applied a small increased risk (2·0%) to the adult (30 years)
population of Stockholm County and used life-table analysis. The life expectancy at birth
was shifted by 2 months on average in the population. Sommer and colleagues4
calculated a corresponding average effect of 6 months per 10 µg/m3 increment
in PM10, based on the death rates in the French population. This would
correspond to a 1-year effect on the life expectancy in France from an excess exposure of
23 µ/m3 PM10--an important public-health impact.
My second point concerns the interpretation of the short-term studies of hospital admissions. Künzli and colleagues justly disregarded the many short-term studies for analysis of mortality, since these are inappropriate for public-health-impact assessment, since, most importantly the magnitude of death displacement is not known. Death because of a temporary rise in air pollution is thought to occur mainly in very ill people, most of whom would have died in a short period of time anyway--the so-called harvesting effect. I see no reason why the same reasoning should not apply to hospital admission. The general applied time domain of days seems, however, to be too short to capture the full effects of variation in air pollution on death, and this feature must be studied also for hospital admissions. Despite several published studies of admissions, the situation is still very unclear, and it seems unwise to base public action on estimations of attributed numbers of admissions.
The quantification of the health costs arising from outdoor air pollution is indeed an important stimulus for the development of policies in society.5 We need numbers that are clear and interpretable.
Tom Bellander
Department of Environmental Health, Norrbacka III, Karolinska Hospital, SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden (e-mail: Künzli N, Kaiser R, Medina S, et al. Public-health impact of outdoor and traffic-related air pollution: a European assessment. Lancet 2000; 356: 795-801. [Text]
2 Krewski D. Reanalysis of the Harvard Six Cities Study and the American cancer society study of particulate air pollution and mortality. Cambridge, MA: Health Effects Institute, 2000.
3 Bellander T, Svartengren M, Berglind N, Staxler L, Järup L. The Stockholm Study on Health Effects of Air Pollution and their Economic Consequences (SHAPE), Part II: Particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide and health effects. Exposure-response relations and health consequences in Stockholm County. Stockholm: Department of Environmental Health, 1999.
4 Sommer H, Chanel O, Vergnaud JCh, Herry M, Sedlak N Seethaler R. Monetary valuation of road traffic-related air pollution: health costs due to road traffic-related air pollution--an impact assessment project of Austria, France and Switzerland: third WHO Ministerial Conference of Environmentand Health. London: WHO, 1999.
5 London SJ, Romieu I. Health costs due to outdoor air pollution by traffic. Lancet 2000; 356: 782-83. [Text]
Sir--In view of other research, we feel that comment is warranted on the report of N Künzli and colleagues.1
In the past, establishment of a link between pollution and the prevalence and incidence of respiratory disease has been difficult, despite the association being intuitively appealing.2 We believe that the explanation for this difficulty is that the current methods of assessing bulk pollution exposure by use of a 10 µg/m3 increase in particulate matter, an undeveloped and non-selective measure of particulate loading, might be inadequate. The impact of petrol vehicle emissions on aerosol loading and subsequent public health is probably underestimated in many models of the urban atmosphere. Modern petrol engines are believed to have very low or zero primary particulate emission, but their emissions are responsible for the production of photochemically produced secondary organic aerosols (SOA), which contribute to aerosol loading and, possibly, in turn to respiratory disease.
The composition and density of traffic in most cities creates an atmosphere that is dominated by these petrochemical-related SOA precursors,3 which are not easily measured and are currently not included in the emission-driven models of pollution exposure used in most medical and epidemiological research. What must be appreciated is that the nature and chemical composition of PM10 in our cities has undergone many changes over the past 30 years. Such change leads to the apparent paradox that, although total PM10 concentrations in many cities are remaining static or falling, largely because of diesel-engine emission legislation, the prevalence of respiratory disease, especially asthma, is increasing.4 Reliable methods of modelling pollution that incorporate the evolution of urban PM10 composition must be included in any future work looking at the relation between public health and air pollution.
A C Lewis, *M B Lewis
School of the Environment and School of Chemistry, University of Leeds; and *Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds LS1 3EX, UK (e-mail: Künzli N, Kaiser R, Medina S, et al. Public-health impact of outdoor and traffic-related air pollution: a European assessment. Lancet 2000; 356: 795-801. [Text]
2 Burney P. Air pollution and asthma: the dog that doesn't always bark. Lancet 1999; 353: 859-60. [Text]
3 Lewis AC, Carslaw N, Marriott PJ, et al. A larger pool of ozone-forming carbon compounds in urban atmospheres. Nature 2000; 405: 778-81. [PubMed]
4 Hartert TV, Peebles RS Jr. Epidemiology of asthma: the year in review. Curr Opin Pulm Med 2000; 6: 4-9. [PubMed]
Sir--N Künzli and colleagues1 estimate the health impact and costs of outdoor air pollution resulting from traffic.
Künzli and colleagues claim that several pollutants are correlated with PM10, hence epidemiological studies are precluded from strictly attributing observed effects to a single pollutant. We acknowledge the difficulty in assessment of effects of exposure to complex mixtures, but claim that all simplifiation strategies must be based on biological plausibility to be taken as valid. PM10 represent only a fraction from a given sampling method. Without a description of particle distribution, PM10 is too unspecific for generalised exposure assessments. In several studies, biological response on air pollution from diesel combustion is significantly different from that seen with mineral particles. Thus, health hazards will vary with the amount of particles inducing biological responses and not the total load in a PM10 fraction. Differences in particle distribution between regions in the report might significantly affect the conclusions. Local events can lead to large variations in particle distribution.1,2
The investigators also claim that PM10 can be used as an indicator of fossil-fuel combustion. Particles derived from fuel combustion are, however, mostly included in a PM2·5 fraction. Thus, PM2·5 would be a more appropriate variable if Künzli and colleagues preferred to focus on combustion particles. As they mention, a stronger association between increased mortality and PMs has been seen for the combustion-related PM2·5 than for PM10.
The lack of biological plausibility for a cause-effect relation between PMs and increased mortality has also been discussed by other researchers. In 1998, J Gamble3 concluded that there is no substantive basis for a cause-effect relation between long-term ambient PM2·5 and increased mortality. Studies in animals and also comparison with individual exposure to inhaled cigarette smoke indicate that the risks of outdoor PM2·5 fractions are overestimated by more than 100-fold in the model used by Künzli and colleagues. J Schwartz and colleagues4 showed that mineral particles between 2·5 µm and 10·0 µm were not associated with mortality. The contribution from particles in outdoor air to the total daily load of inhalable particles might be of minor importance.5 However, we cannot exclude that criticallly ill or significantly predisposed people might in some situations have their lives shortened slightly.
The conclusions of Künzli and colleagues are based on rough assumptions, probably irrelevant for several regions of Europe. In France, where half of new cars run on diesel, particles from combustion of diesel in a PM10 fraction will be more prominent than in corresponding samples in Scandinavia, where mineral particles dominate in periods. The search for subtle links between environmental factors and diseases has been controversial. In our view, some scientists and WHO seem to have been stretching what can be done with epidemiology.5 The long-term effects of exposure to products from combustion of fossil fuel remains elusive and will have to be investigated in studies with more specific design.
*Terje Haug, Per Sřstrand, Martinus Lřvik, Sverre Langĺrd
*Centre for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, National Hospital, N-0027 Oslo, Norway; and Section for Environmental Immunology, Department for Environmental Medicine, National Institute of Public Health, Oslo (e-mail: Künzli N, Kaiser R, Medina S, et al. Public-health impact of outdoor and traffic-related air pollution: a European Assessment. Lancet 2000; 356: 795-801. [Text]
2 Huang YL, Batterman S. Selection and evaluation of air pollution indicators based on geographic areas. Sci Total Environ 2000; 253: 127-44. [PubMed]
3 Gamble JF. PM2·5 and mortality in long-term prospective cohorts studies: cause-effect or statistical associations. Environ Health Perspect 1998; 106: 535-49. [PubMed]
4 Schwartz J, Norris G, Larson T, et al. Episodes with high coarse particle concentrations are not associated with increased mortality. Environ Health Perspect 1999; 107: 339-42. [PubMed]
5 Taubes G. Epidemiology faces its limits. Science 1995; 269: 164-69. [PubMed]
Authors' reply
Sir--Assessments of the impact of air pollution on public health are based on the assumption of causality and the availability of exposure data, population frequencies of health outcomes, and exposure-response functions. Epidemiology is a key science to study health effects among human beings under true-life conditions, to establish causality, and to provide data for impact assessment.
Consistent and coherent study results for a variety of health outcomes provide strong evidence for causality. The arguments of some provocative debates, although true for some research areas, do not hold for air-pollution epidemiology. No debate offers a plausible alternative explanation for the large body of results on air pollution and health. The 100-fold overestimation argument of J Gamble is based on unsupported analogies. Gamble assumes that the health effects of cigarette smoking are caused by the inhaled particles. This reductionist model simplifies tobacco smoke, with its more than 4000 toxic substances, and assumes that the particle mass inhaled by a smoker must have the same effect as ambient outdoor sir pollution, with particulate matter as a key indicator. The best available scientific approach to address long-term lifetime effects of mixtures such as cigarette smoke or ambient air pollution remains epidemiology; the proposed anology is inappropriate to revise our understanding of the quantitative association between these factors and health among human beings. Reanalysis of the two US long-term mortality cohort studies from which we drew data confirms rather than questions the original assessment.1 The observed reduction in respiratory morbidity associated with improvement in air quality in former East Germany further supports causality.2
We selected PM10 as the air-pollution indicator because it captures the main features of the outdoor mixture, and sufficient exposure and exposure-response data were available. We agree that the historical measurement of PM10 levels and composition is a potential source of bias in long-term studies. Although particles from combustion of fuel are indeed smaller in diameter than 10 µg/m3, the proportion of PM2·5 within the PM10 fraction is high (mean 75%, up to 85%).3 In other areas of the world, PM10 might be a less valid model for combustion-fuel-related exposures. Terje Haug and colleagues and A Lewis and M Lewis propose to further partition of traffic-related exposure (eg, diesel vs gasoline). Unfortunately, with the currently available exposure and response data such precision cannot be achieved. However, the variations in the PM10 exposure and health associations across the world are mostly within the range of the inherent uncertainty. We agree that in light of the high diesel share, estimates of the traffic-related fraction might be higher in France. The Swiss SAPALDIA4 study, however, established similar PM10 exposure-health associations in a country with a low proportion of diesel cars.
The relation between PM exposure and emission sources is complex. The Swiss part of the study used a dispersion model, which included primary and secondary particles. Secondary organic aerosols was not found to be an important part of the annual mean of PM10. The question is currently in discussion but the agreement between our model and the PM10 measurements was very high.
Tom Bellander discusses the issue of lifetime lost among pollution related death. Although not relevant for the attributed number of deaths it is of importance in the economic assessment and the discussion about who is at risk is important. Direct estimates of the time lost or the age distribution of the victims are not available; thus, dependent on the assumptions, indirect estimates come to different conclusions of time lost, ranging from several months to a few years.5 Our assumption that all victims die due to cardiopulmonary causes, thus having the age distribution of all cardiopulmonary death, is plausible.
*Nino Künzli, Reinhard Kaiser, Sylvia Medina, Paul Filliger
Institut für Sozial-und Präventivmedizin der Universität Basel, 4051 Basel, Switzerland (e-mail: Kaiser J. Panel backs EPA and 'Six Cities' Study. Science 2000; 289: 711.
2 Heinrich J, Hoelscher B, Wichmann HE. Decline of ambient air pollution and respiratory symptoms in children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161: 1930-36. [PubMed]
3 Röösli M, Braun-Fahrlander C, Künzli N, et al. Spatial variability of different fractions of particulate matter within an urban environment and between urban and rural sites. J Air Waste Manage Assoc 2000; 50: 1115-24. [PubMed]
4 Zemp E, Elasser S, Schindler C, et al. Long-term ambient air pollution and chronic respiratory symptoms (SAPALDIA). Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999; 159: 1257-66. [PubMed]
5 Pope CI. Epidemiology of fine particulate air pollution and human health: biologic mechanisms and who's at risk? Environ Health Perspect 2000; 108: 713-23. [PubMed]
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