Here I lie, in this room bare,
and on that chair
I can see you clearly.
Never did see you before,
old man of yore.
I’m not scared, not nearly
I do not know you
Your mute presence here quiets fears and soothes me.
You say “Come”, but
I can’t leave.
reach out, touch me with your hand so smooth here,
for a moment relieve me from pain.
What would be death’s gain?

Here I am, flesh through and through.
You, spirit true,
like angels, you’re shining
I could not say when or how,
but your call now
I did feel it coming.
I do not fear you
I know just what brings you here, you mention
some long journey:
wait some more,
I have matters that demand attention
there are debts that I still have to pay.
Give me one more day.

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