
Black man, hard man
dark wine, rich, heady tang
your deep voice old fears sank
I flowered in your shadow
under your gaze
until your hands lapped on me like waves
ploughed routes through pure groves
turned whispers my roars
so veil upon veil
as wind becomes gale / through the tempest we sail
to reach that promised land
of forests, seas and sands
of blinding light called

Black man, nude man
clothed in your hue of tan
shaped by this dark bare land
your beauty speared my heart like
the eagle dives.
Each night you spread on me pearls of life
when rain from coastlands
wakes paws, hoofs, claws, hands
wild joy explosions
bring celebrations / drums of pride and passion
so your forebears will spread
the ripe fruits that have fed
the roots of life in

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