This tour provides an opportunity to see some of the most famous sights that have made Rome unique among the world's cities. Our starting point is Piazza Barberini with the charming Triton's Fountain, an original creation by Bernini, we continue then to the Spanish Steps, which sweep down in a cascade of balustrades and balconies, with the Barcaccia Fountain, the last work of Bernini's father, then we visit the elegant Piazza Navona, lined up with cafés and restaurants, street artists and pigeons, three fountains punctuate the square, one of them is the masterpiece by Bernini, called the Fountain of the Four Rivers, our tour will end with a visit to the Trevi Fountain, the most famous of the old fountains of Rome and one of the most beautiful creations of the 18th C with its splashing jets of water … the legend of throwing a coin into this majestic fountain ensures your return to Rome !


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