The I.M.A.F.D. Congress
The Congress is held once a year in time and place present during the previous Congress. Each national Federation-member may be represented in the Congress by two delegates maximum from whom only one has the right to speak and vote. The Congress approves the Statutes and makes all necessary modifications. Also any new sector of other martial arts or sport of fighting will ask to inserit under IMAFD organization and makes all necessary decision by voting during the congress and to select the new Responsable Technical of own discipline sector. The Directing Committee ( D.C. ) The D.C. consists of the President, the Vice-President, the General Secretary, the 3 General Treasurers, and five Responsable Director Regional members. The term of its member service is a four year one. The Executive Committee This Committee is preparing the matters under discussion of the D.C. and materialize its discussions. The Refereeing Committee (Only hearing peoples) This Committee is responsible for the education and the examinations of Forms and Fights Referees and their distribution during IMAFD's tournaments under the collaboration of the Official organizations by recognized I.C.O. are 4 divers federations : The members of this committee are determined by the D.C. The 4 Technical Committee ( T.C. ) This Committee is responsible for the cross-reference of rules and methods of Forms and Fights competitions making recommendations upon these matters to the DC. The T.C. has also the authority to determine the good competition organization. The members of this committee are also determined by the D.C. The Medical Committee (Only hearing peoples) This Committee is responsible for the medical care and planning of other hearing federations. The members of this committee are also determined by the D.C. The Organizing Committee (Mixed deaf and hearing peoples) This Committee is responsible for the organization and execution of IMAFD's championships. The members of this committee are also determined by the D.C. The Public Relations Committee (Mixed deaf and hearing peoples) This Committee is responsible for the presentation of IMAFD objective and views to the appropriate organizations and media. The Disciplinary Committee (Only hearing peoples) This Committee is responsible to express opinion about problems that could appear between IMAFD's members or between IMAFD and hearing members. The Financial Committee (Only deaf peoples) This is the Committee that deals with the finding and handling of the financial resources. |
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