Crippled Avengers / Mortal Combat/ Return of the 5 Deadly Venoms / Can que - Venoms Posse ( 1978 )

Summary : A once-good-guy's wife is murdered and son is armless by a jealous group of martial artists. He kills them off, but is then turned bitter by his son's crippleness and wife's death.
His son's arms are later replaced with steel arms that do tricks such as shoot darts. The son also becomes a tiger kung fu expert.
He and his father parade around town, crippling anyone who "bothers" them. They blind one man for looking at the son, cut the legs off of someone who bumped into them on the street, and mute and deafen a man who talked trash about them.
A kung fu expert strolls into town and sees the wrongdoings by these two bullies and starts a fight with them, but is unfairly defeated and they give him brain damage and is now ummm, retared.
He is released and acts like a foolish 2 year old, but still knows his kung fu (of course). All of these four cripples get together and go to the mentally handicap's former teacher, who teaches them all kung fu.
The blind one fights well because of his hearing, the legless one is given new iron legs ( " Watch out for his iron kicks! " ),
the mute and deaf one is played by the Toad venom, and he's strong, so he'll kick your butt.
They all return to the village to fight the two who crippled them all, while all kung fu experts from across the land are visiting too.

Additional Info : This is just a great movie.
The fighting in this movie is one of the best you'll see, and the acrobatics and tricks are wonderful.
This is highly recommended, I personally think it's better than the previous " Five Dealy Venoms ", but that's just my opinion.
- This is also availible on DVD.

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