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The radar man

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   The "Radar Man" poem seems to have a long story...
Personally, I met it when a friend found the manuscript in an old technical manual.
After having put the text and an image of the manuscript here, I started to receive e-mails from people who have met this poem before...each one telling me a part of a long story....

 The origins of the "Radar Man" are really old: it seems to date back to the early days of radar during WWII, and to the first radar technicians ("radar mechanics", as they were then named) in the RAF.

If you are interested in the story of the "Radar Man", and want to see the manuscripts, click

NEW! (July 2014): it seems we have found the author of the poem! 

Click here to learn more

    The radar man  

    If you should see upon the street
    A man equipped with dipole feet
    With a family of curves trailing behind
    He's a radar man with a micro-mind

    His eyes take on a neon gleam
    His ears extend to a Yagi beam
    His mouth becames another pulse gate
    His heart pumps blood at a video rate

    With micro-seconds and micro-waves
    And micro-volts he fills his days*
    And thereby in the curse of time
    He developed a micro-mind

    This Radar man with the passing years
    Attained infinite impedance between his ears
    And finally succumbed to an heavy jolt
    When he got what he thought was a micro-volt

    The Doc looked up from his micro-scope
    Turned to his collegues and softly spoke
    No trace of a brain can I find
    He's a Radar man with a micro mind

*) In the "canadian" manuscript. The "eBay" manuscript reports: "his slangs" instead of "his days"

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Last updatedJul, 19, 14