*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY* ____ _ _ __ __ ___ | _ \| | | | \/ |/ _ \ ___ _ __ __ _ | | | | |_| | |\/| | | | |/ _ \| '__/ _` | | |_| | _ | | | | |_| | (_) | | | (_| | |____/|_| |_|_| |_|\___(_)___/|_| \__, | |___/ Advisory: Politicization of DHMO Date: October 25, 2000 Reporting: Director of Research, DHMO.org Location: DHMO.org URL: http://www.dhmo.org/alerts/advisory102500 ------------------------------------------------------- Politicians Foil DHMO Legislation During this election year in the United States, and even moreso as the election grows near, politicians are avoiding dealing with difficult DHMO legislation. Several theories ranging from the influence of big oil to the "special interests" abound, but recently new evidence has come to light. An as-yet-unpublished report dealing with DHMO use among politicians, and those running for elected office, provides startling insight into why there has been a lack of effort on the part of government to legislate the routine daily use of Dihydrogen Monoxide. In Texas, Tennessee and Arkansas, respective home state of Presidential candidates Gov. George W. Bush, Vice President Al Gore, as well as the current President of the United States, Bill Clinton, routine use of DHMO by politicians, include these three just mentioned, is commonplace. Meanwhile, in Minneapolis, Gov. Jesse Ventura routinely and brazenly ingests DHMO from a plastic tumbler while conducting nationally televised on-camera interviews. Both Bush and Gore were seen during televised political debates drinking what later turned out to be beverages containing measurable amounts of DHMO. And so, with all of the rhetoric about "change" and a "new attitude" in Washington, it appears that with regards to the issue of DHMO use, it will be "business as usual" for politicians. It is worth noting that Presidential candidate Ralph Nader has not dodged DHMO-related issues, while candidate Pat Buchanan has failed to address those same issues. Concerned citizens, as always, are urged to become informed consumers and be aware of DHMO, its uses and dangers. Additionally, citizens may choose to contact their elected representatives and bring these important issues to their attention. Although it is not standard policy for DHMO.org and its researchers to politicize these issues, we feel that in this case it is justified. We apologize in advance if there are those who disagree. ------------------------------------------------------- Tom Way Director of Research DHMO.org - Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division email: dhmo@dhmo.org web: http://www.dhmo.org -------------------------------------------------------