*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY* ____ _ _ __ __ ___ | _ \| | | | \/ |/ _ \ ___ _ __ __ _ | | | | |_| | |\/| | | | |/ _ \| '__/ _` | | |_| | _ | | | | |_| | (_) | | | (_| | |____/|_| |_|_| |_|\___(_)___/|_| \__, | |___/ Title: Anhydrous DHMO Research Date: 20 July 2000 Reporting: Director of Research Location: DHMO.org URL: http://www.dhmo.org/alerts/advisory072000 ------------------------------------------------------- Anhydrous DHMO Research From time to time DHMO.org receives a request from a researcher in search of funding. Since DHMO.org does not directly fund individual research, we normally cannot help. Recently we were contacted by a researcher interested in developing protocols to study and collect Anhydrous Dihydrogen Monoxide (ADM), and to explore its possible uses. We felt his research goals where honorable, and so we include here his request for funding support. - Tom Way, Director of Research, DHMO.org ---------- Dear Director: I am a retired environmental research scientist. My expertise is in Bovine Scatology, making me painfully aware of the hazards of DHMO. I have been working on this problem for many years. I am near a breakthrough in my development of Anhydrous Dihydrogen Monoxide. Although ADM, in name, has all the properties of DHMO, it possesses none of the disastrous properties. My research has discovered that it is the H2O trapped within the interior of the DHMO molecule that causes this compound to have it's detrimental characteristics. Any chemist will be painfully aware of the difficulty separating the H2O from the DHMO. It is this task that occupies all my time and resources. You can only imagine the problems I have faced in this endeavor. I have built a 2,500 square foot laboratory on the back of my house and equipped it with the basic chemical research tools. However the research is going into an unfortunate direction and the basics are no longer adequate. I am in desperate need of a pair of 100 cubic foot pressure vessels capable of 4,000 psi and 250 degrees centigrade. I also need a 400,000 Btu natural gas evaporator also rated at the same pressure. I have made appeals to various industries for help, but the mere mention of the project turns the cold shoulder. Even though ADM is very plentiful in space, NASA says it is not cost effective to bring ADM to Earth with the space shuttle. It now looks like there is a conspiracy to prevent the development of ADM. There are too many manufactures and public utilities that would be effected if ADM were to replace DHMO. Though they realize that countless lives and millions of dollars of property would be saved, they only have their profit in mind. That leaves it up to people like you and me to campaign and develop a cost effective method for producing ADM here in the presence of Earth's atmosphere. Once I have secured and installed the new laboratory equipment, I intend to save years of research by collecting a sufficient amount of a rare unstable form of DHMO from the environment to use in my research. This form of DHMO is only found in specific places. It is present in the exhaust of Porche cars, the boundary layer between an olive and Russian Vodka, and the boundary layer between silk and the epidermis of young female Homo sapiens. It has also been detected in the waters off of the coast of southern France. Since this type of DHMO exists in such small quantities, this painful collection effort is expected to take 15 to 20 months, not counting the recuperation trips to spas in Switzerland. I am making a desperate appeal to your worthy organization to help me raise the $500,000 that I need to continue this quest. I must pursue this. I will not rest until Anhydrous Dihydrogen Monoxide replaces DHMO. It's for the children! Many thanks for your help in this endeavor. Thomas Morton, Ph.D. tmorton@flash.net ------------------------------------------------------- Support the cause... tell a friend about DHMO.org! ------------------------------------------------------- Tom Way Director of Research DHMO.org - Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division email: dhmo@dhmo.org web: http://www.dhmo.org -------------------------------------------------------