*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY*ADVISORY* ____ _ _ __ __ ___ | _ \| | | | \/ |/ _ \ ___ _ __ __ _ | | | | |_| | |\/| | | | |/ _ \| '__/ _` | | |_| | _ | | | | |_| | (_) | | | (_| | |____/|_| |_|_| |_|\___(_)___/|_| \__, | |___/ Title: DHMO Linked to Traffic Deaths Date: 09 March 2000 Reporting: Barbara James & Peter Metcalfe Location: Glasgow, Scotland URL: http://www.dhmo.org/alerts/advisory030900 ------------------------------------------------------- DHMO Linked to Winter Traffic Accidents Dihydrogen monoxide has been detected in "black ice" on roadways, which has been linked with many fatal and near-fatal traffic accidents. Caution should be exercised when driving during winter months, or whenever possibly DHMO-contaminated "black ice" is present. Dangerous sheeting of melted and refrozen "black ice" is facilitated by the presence of DHMO. During warm-cold weather cycles, additional care should be taken when driving, walking or jogging when sheeted "black ice" is present. Crystalline DHMO has been found mixed with winter precipitation, although this appears to be a regional phenomenon. The dangers of crystalline DHMO are similar to that of DHMO found in "black ice", although sensible precautions can eliminate many hazards. ------------------------------------------------------- Support the cause... tell a friend about DHMO.org! ------------------------------------------------------- Tom Way Director of Research DHMO.org - Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division email: dhmo@dhmo.org web: http://www.dhmo.org -------------------------------------------------------