Our Trip to China - 1997

On July 16, 1997, we joined five other adventurous souls for a trip to the Land of Confucius.

Renzo, as usual, put together his "report" on our experience. He also took the photographs (years ago, we decided that it was senseless to take two sets of photographs, most of which showed the same things). Since they are slides, I was unable to scan them properly at the time. What you see is the result of photographing the projected slides using a digital camera, then cropping and adjusting the color. They aren't great, but they give an idea of what we saw. I now can scan the slides directly, but there just isn't time to redo everything, so these will have to stand as they are for a while.

So, click on the following links to see:

Renzo's China Report,
illustrated with some photographs

A page of more photographs

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