
   Hartnung Trust Scientific Team

Here you will find stats for a small group of scientists which can easily be adapted to your needs.
Originally they were drawn up as an Hartnung Trust expedition investigating a mysterious epidemic among low TL tribesmen, and their skill set was tailored to this task.
The PC was hired as security/drivers/unspecialized workforce for the expedition.
Patig and Popol may remain substantially unchanged for most projects, while the others can be easily customized just by changing some of their skills. Remember that for dangerous expeditions the presence of two students would be inappropriate.
Obviously, sometimes an expedition turns out to be much more dangerous than expected...

Hartnung Trust was created by Marcus Rowland and originally appeared in issue 18 of Imagine magazine.
The epidemic was detailed in Mercy Mission by Simon Lewis, published in White Dwarf, issue 82

Dr. Dold Patig  -  Age 42  Sociologist

7 7 9 A C 9

Plain. Grayish hair and beard. Medium height.

Anthropology 1   Computer     1  Diplomacy   3
Lang.(Zho)   2   Linguistics  3  Perception  1
Philosophy   3   Psionicology 2  Psychology  1
Research     3   Writing      2 

He is the senior scientist and has been selected as team leader for the current expedition. At first glance he seems to be a pompous and useless bureaucrat, the epitome of "suit", prone to using content-free expressions like "meaningful apport" and "cohesive joint effort" a lot. In fact he is quite good in coordinating groups of talented and self centered individuals: his role as a brainless paper-pusher helps the other participants in assuming an "us against him" attitude which usually brings good fruits and helps avoiding the rivalries and petty jealousy which often plague this kind of work.
GM: Play it as a benign waffler which can usually steer people around without they ever noticing. He is fair, and always gives plenty credit to others when assessing merits and goals.
Patig is an Imperial Pagan.

Quote: "I think we are positively getting results on this one, old boy!"
Zuse Zien  -  Age 34 Anthropologist

6 B 9 C A 8

Tall, attractive (slightly masculine), Brown hairs, mohawk cut.

Anthropology 4         Diplomacy 1       Equestrian 1
First Aid 1            Grav Vehicle 1    Ground Vehicle 1
Gun Combat [Pistol] 1  Psychology 2      Research 2

She is the complete opposite of Patig, and strongly despises him. She likes working directly "in the field", prefers a pragmatic approach and hates red tape and bureaucrats. She thinks that Patig is a pompous bore and that the expedition should be lead by someone with actual experience (like herself). She is neutral toward the other members, unless they start supporting Patig.
GM: Even if she had found herself in dangerous situations before, and she never cracked under pressure, she is very cautious when facing physical danger, and would prefer packing and go back home if confronted with overtly hostile forces.
She despises Patig and will try to convince others to share her views on him.

Quote: "If you excuse me, I have some actual work to do, now"
Dr. Infad Mellig  -  Age 40 Biologist

7 6 7 B B 9

Ugly, balding, wrinkled. Seems much older than his actual age.

Admin 1           Biology 4          Computer 1
Forensic 3        Ground Vehicle 1   Instruction 2
Medical 3         Research 3

Mellig is completely absorbed in his own field of study, and has very little interest for anything else. He trusts Alaina as an assistant and thinks she is a very good student. He has no real opinions about other members of the expedition, provided that they let him alone in the lab an help Alaina in collecting samples.
GM: He usually seconds any decision taken by other members of the expedition. Play it as the usual grumpy scientific genius.
He has no interest for power plays and will treat Patig with deference.

Quote: "Be careful with that! Aw, Alaina, show them what the correct procedure is!!"
Tinte Popol  -  Age 23    Electronics Student at the
                          Imperial Institute of Technology

6 6 8 A A 7

Overweight, Plain, Blonde.

Computer 2     Electronics 3   Ground Car 1
Instruction 1  Mechanical 1    Research 1
Writing 1

Tinte is an avid subscriber to Imperial Technology Digest and at least another half dozen technical journals. He eats, drinks and breathes technology. Well, girls can be pretty interesting too, but they are usually more difficult to grock than electronic equipment.
Tinte has been attached to the expedition as a back-up electronics expert. He has no real role, but he could help if some piece of the equipment starts malfunctioning. Universities sometimes "lend" their brightest students to low-risk scientific expeditions, in order to give them some real-world experience.
If his skills aren't needed, he will be glad to help around with encampment duties, accompany others around and tinker with some electronic gadget in his free time.
GM:He is quite friendly and will follow the PCs along, suitably impressed by their "adventurer" aura.

Quote "Cool. According to this, you can actually rewire the Model A2 Multi-Frequency scanner module port to accept Nimm's TOTAL VR(TM) Cartridges..."
Alaina Quotero  -  Age 24

6 7 7 8 9 7

Pretty, Dark Skinned, Black Hair

Biology 2    Forensics 2  Instruction 2
Medical 2    Research 3

Alaina is quite shy and reserved. She is much too self conscious in social situations, and try to avoid other people. She is quite competent in her field, and she has been chosen by Dr.Mellig as an assistant. She worships Mellig and will do her best to help him. Alaina will rarely take any initiative on her own, except to do what she thinks is best for following Mellig's instructions.
GM:She may be influenced by Zien's anti-Patig propaganda, but will stick with Mellig (and so probably side with Patig) in case of a crisis.

Quote: "Well, I'll have to ask Dr.Mellig, first."
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