
   Technician Career


The Technician career is presented in a format compatible with the current edition of Traveller (T4), plus some additional notes and skills derived from older editions of the Traveller system.


Troubleshooting is what keeps the Imperium alive. When troubles are caused by sophonts, you usually call for Agents, or even the Army. In all other cases, a Technician will probably serve you much better. From the depth of space to the depth of oceans, from the Board of Directors of a MegaCorporation to the seediest parts of the Starport, you should always secure the advice of a veteran Tech before launching yourself in a new adventure.
Routine Tasks: Building, assessing or repairing devices, vehicles or buildings. Acting as a consultant to governments or corporate executives. Directing crew of workmen and coordinating large scale tasks and projects.

Enlistment: 8- (Int 9+: +1, Edu 9+: +1, College or Graduate: +1)

Survival: 9- (Int 9+: +1)

Promotion n/a

Position: n/a

Reenlistment 10-

1.Physical            4.Social
 1.+1 STR              1.Carousing
 2.+1 END              2.Streetwise
 3.+1 DEX              3.Instruction
 4.Brawling            4.Leadership
 5.Env.Combat          5.Administration
 6.+1 END              6.Fast Talk
2.Mental              5.Career
 1.Grav Craft          1._Technical_
 2.Survey              2.Demolition
 3._Technical_         3.Ground Cr.
 4.Computer            4._Technical_
 5._Spacecraft_        5.Robotics
 6.Mechanics           6.JoT

3.Educational         6.Background
 1._Technical_         1.Vacc Suit
 2.Communications      2.Perception
 3.Craftsman           3.Env.Combat.
 4._Aircraft_          4.First Aid
 5._Science_           5.WaterCraft
 6.Electronics         6.Camouflage
Benefits: (DM:+1 if SOC B+)
   Material    Cash

1  Equipment   2000
2  Middle Ps.  5000
3  Middle Ps. 10000
4  +1 Edu     10000
5  +1 Int     10000
6  Equipment  20000
7  High Psg   30000
Rank & Service Skills:
All: _Technical_ 1

The _Equipment_ result represents the Tools of the Trade which your technician will have accumulated during his/her career.
The best way to treat this is to give the player 5000 cr. for each Equipment result. The money can be used only to buy tools, protective gear like VaccSuits (no military armor) and other reasonably portable equipment (i.e., grav belts would be reasonable if a tad extreme, while a submarine is not).
Multiple _Equipment_ results can be cumulated to buy a costly item, but any residual "credit" after buying the stuff will be lost and cannot be converted to regular money (but if they really want a Grav Belt, you may allow them to pool the _Equipment_ results with normal cash to reach the desired amount).

The following are some suggestion for giving "flavor" to PC careers. All offer some element of danger and exposure to different environments and TLs and could form a good starting point for a Traveller character. Remember that depending mostly on factors like EDU and SOC, this career could represent both the high (top-salary consultants, architects) and the low (stellar junk yard mechanic, belter) end of the scale.

  • Crisis Intervention Specialist (Fireman, Bomb Disposal squad, control of natural or man-made disasters like floods or car wrecks).
  • Hostile Environment WorkForce (Building, mining or salvage crews in deepspace, underwater or other hostile environments).
  • Prospecting, bootstrap Missions on low TL worlds.
  • Infrastructure (Building roads or other communication networks. Dams, space stations and other large scale projects).
  • Ecological damage assessment/reduction.
  • Technical consulting/workforce on archaeological sites.

You could also use this career for Army Engineering Corps (Sappers). In this case, you proceed as for the Army career (i.e. use Army tables for commission, promotion, re-enlistment, injury, mustering out). Skills obtained for Commissions or Promotions, along with the automatic skills, will be determined using the Army tables, while the 1 skill/year rolls will be made on the Technician tables. You will end with a PC which has Rifle-1 (and perhaps SMG-1 if s/he is an officer), a military rank, army retirement pay (if applicable), perhaps a weapon, a load of technical skills and, if s/he got promoted, some military skills.

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