Obsydian = COOL:Plex = Advantage Plex = All Fusion Plex = CA:Plex
Synon/2E = COOL:2E = Advantage 2E = All Fusion 2E = CA:2E

This is a forum for the users of AllFusion:Plex and AllFusion:2E
by Nicola zordan www.ZordanSoftware.com

Insert your dataAre you using Obsydian or Synon/2E? Tell me

Obsydian = COOL:Plex = Advantage:Plex = AllFusion Plex
Certified COOL:Plex Developers (AllFusion:Plex) Sterling Software acquired Synon Sterling Software started a COOL:Plex developer Certification program.
I did take the test and I am a certified COOL:Plex developer.
You can also test your knowledge of Obsydian here in the Quiz section.
The story of Synon and Obsydian:
As you probably already know, Synon/2E was a british software company that created and distributed through IBM software CASE tools, beginning only for the AS/400 iSeries (Synon/2E) and then also multiplatform: As/400 iSeries, Windows, Web, Unix with Obsydian.
The Synon USA branch was located near San Francisco just north of the Golden Gate bridge.
Synon has since change hands first has been absorbed by Sterling Software which in turn has been absorbed by Computer Associates.
For some unwise marketing strategy (in my opinion) the acquiring companies wnated to change the names of the tools that has been transformed as follows:
Synon Sterling Software Computer Associates
Synon/2E COOL:2E Advantage:2E
Obsydian COOL:Plex Advantage:Plex

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